Blessing of our financial gifts

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In a week, we will present our financial gift pledges at the altar to be blessed. Will you join us by sending in your pledge? Many thanks to those of you who have already done so.

Annual Giving is the time of year when we are asked to give thanksgiving and pledge our financial gifts for the coming year. Our parish budget is based on our gift giving. Our pledges, our gifts to our parish, not only keep our lights on and our doors open to all, but also go towards helping others in our community.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Information is available at

In thanksgiving,
Annual Giving Ministry
Fr. Howie, Joy Lynam, Kristin Sausville, Helen Spence, Jinglan Redder

Gracious and loving God, you have given us everything that we need.  Come now and do a new thing in us.  Help us to live with open hearts and open hands.  Awaken in us the gift of gratitude, that all our works may praise you.  Deliver us from the fear that leads us to horde your blessings.  And teach us to hold what we have reverently, but lightly.  Be with us as we seek to do your will.  And give us your blessing always.  Amen.

Annual Giving 2023 Poster

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Annual Giving 2023 Have you noticed the display in the corner of the foyer? We’ve seen the annual giving box before, with its message, “thank you for your prayerful pledge”. This is where you can drop in your annual giving pledge form, in lieu of mailing it in. But, what is going on with the big poster?

The image is of the grove in the fall, with the church building in the background. It is barren of the crocus; a sign of spring that is a favorite scene of our greater Newark community. Those flowers bring attention to our grove, and they are one small but visible way that the people of Newark can see St. Thomas’s in the community and be invited to share in the blessings of God.

There are countless other ways that St. Thomas’s shows up for our faith community and for the Newark and UD communities. Your pledges, your gifts to your parish, not only keep our lights on and our doors open to all, but also go towards that mission of service. And so, this poster will be a visual representation of our gifts that we are sharing. For every $1000 pledged, we can add another flower to the field.

Annual Giving posterWe currently have 68 flowers of promise planted on the poster, and the goal is for over 250. Wouldn’t it be beautiful and exciting to exceed that goal and have our flowers flowing all over? Keep up with the growth at our Annual Giving page, which includes the weekly ministry moments and a prayer for this year, and will be updated weekly with how many pledge promise flowers we have added to our grounds.

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to consider your pledge. This year, the strategic planning committee has been “tilling the soil”; really digging in to see what opportunities can be unearthed. Many of our ministries and other groups are beginning to root around, post-pandemic, and have begun to plant seeds of regrowth. There are hints of germination all over and it is invigorating!

Be a part of the excitement! Your dollars will be planting the “bulbs” that will bloom in the spring and will come back again and again. You will hear about and see projects that are very visible and immediate, however there are also more subtle investments being made for the future of our beloved parish and its work in our community. Everyone’s contribution looks a little different just like every flower is unique, and it is all important. If you feel moved to pick up a shovel and dig into a ministry, please reach out to the office and we will help you connect.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator or (302) 368-4644

Annual Giving Ministry Moment for Oct. 9, 2022

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Good morning. I am Helen Spence, a member of the Annual Giving Team, and I am here to discuss the spiritual aspect of our giving. (See YouTube version.)

There is a wonderful hymn, often sung at the Feast of Pentecost, and it begins like this: “There’s a sweet, sweet spirit in this place, and I know that it’s the spirit of the Lord.” Do you feel it? The spirit is alive, in each of us. It’s here in this place that my parents have called home for 76 years. This place where I was baptized, confirmed and married; where I was taught – and taught others. This place that I have called home, even during the years I lived elsewhere. And so now I am home, doing a new thing in a very familiar place – this place which began the formation of my spirit.

The work and worship we share here at St. Thomas’s requires our spirit, our time and, yes, our money. Doing a new thing – doing an old thing in a new way – continuing to do the thing God is calling us to do … all of that is what makes our mission and ministry special. Sharing our spirit through our mission and ministry shows the strength of that spirit, not only to each other but to the community around us.

In support of our mission and ministry, we give from what we have been given. We give from the abundance of God’s gifts to us. Today’s readings speak of God’s abundant love, and that is the source of our giving. Opportunities abound if we seek them. I invite you to join me in prayerfully considering where the Spirit is calling you and give of your abundance accordingly. As the hymn finishes “And for these blessings, we lift our hearts in praise. Without a doubt we’ll know that we have been revived when we shall leave this place.”

During October, we are collecting our thoughts, thanksgivings, and prayers for Annual Giving for our reflection. Annual Giving will take financial commitments from each of us. An opportunity before us is examining how much we give and whether we can do more. Please prayerfully determine how to give back that which has been given to you. Won’t you please pledge your gifts using our pledge card and return it by October 30, 2022? Pledges may be left in the box in the church lobby or mailed using the self-addressed, stamped envelope included in the packet you received.

Thank you so much.
Helen Spence, Annual Giving Ministry

Annual Giving Ministry Moment for Oct. 2, 2022

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My name is Joy Lynam and I am working with the Annual Giving ministry this October. Today starts St. Thomas’s Annual Giving campaign. (See YouTube version.)

What is Annual Giving?
Annual giving is when we reflect upon the gifts we have been given and the gifts we will give. It is the treasure in “time, talent and treasure.” The sharing of our financial gifts, our treasure, forms the basis of our parish budget. Our gifts enable our church to share the greater glory of God in our parish, in our community, and in the world.

What is expected of me, of each of us? 

Each of us is asked to prayerfully and thankfully pledge our financial gifts to our church.

As a child, we were taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

Giving makes us feel good. 

It is an expression of our thankfulness. 

It is putting our faith into action.

This year, I will pledge my financial gifts to give thanks for the baptisms of my grandchildren who have been baptized in this church.

I will pledge my gift to give thanks for the baptism, confirmation, and marriage of my children in our faith.

I will pledge my gift to give thanks for Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM), which includes our college students as part of our faith family at St. Thomas’s.

And, I will pledge my financial gifts in thanksgiving for the ministries we currently offer and in faith for the opportunities to come.

Hopefully this week in the mail, you received a packet from St. Thomas’s. During the month of October, we hope you will read these materials and prayerfully consider your financial gifts to St Thomas‘s and our ministries.

During October, we are collecting our thoughts and prayers for Annual Giving on our website for our reflection and thanksgiving. Annual Giving will take financial commitments from each of us. An opportunity before us is examining how much we give and whether we can do more.

Please prayerfully determine how to give back that which has been given to you. Won’t you please pledge your gifts using our pledge card and return it by October 30, 2022? Pledges may be left in the box in the church lobby or mailed using the self-addressed, stamped envelope included in the packet you received.

Joy Lynam, Annual Giving Ministry Chair

Annual Giving 2023

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Gracious and loving God, you have given us everything that we need.  Come now and do a new thing in us.  Help us to live with open hearts and open hands.  Awaken in us the gift of gratitude, that all our works may praise you.  Deliver us from the fear that leads us to horde your blessings.  And teach us to hold what we have reverently, but lightly.  Be with us as we seek to do your will.  And give us your blessing always.  Amen.

Annual Giving 2023During the last week of September 2022, an Annual Giving packet is being mailed to our homes. Annual Giving is when parishioners are asked to give thanksgiving and pledge their financial gifts for the coming year. Our parish budget is based on our gift giving. Our Vestry has determined that the goal for this year’s campaign is $290,000.

The Annual Giving packet includes an invitation letter, annual giving visual, and pledge card.

Throughout October 2022 during Sunday’s worship service, we will briefly share “Ministry Moments” of our blessings and ask how we might share our gifts with our church and others.

We hope you will use these weekly “Ministry Moments” to pray about your annual gift to our church and how our church might serve in our community.

Annual Giving pledgesThe Annual Giving theme this year is “Behold, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:19
An opportunity exists before us to examine how much we give and whether we can do more. Opportunities welcome us if we seek them.

Watch our poster bloom with flowers representing our gifts. Thank you for gifts given so far.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more information.

Won’t you please pledge your financial gifts on your pledge card and return it by October 30, 2022?

In thanksgiving,
Annual Giving Ministry
Fr. Howie, Joy Lynam, Kristin Sausville, Helen Spence, Jinglan Redder

Time & Talent 2021 Survey

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10) Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. (11) If you have the gift of speaking, preach God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11

In the fall of 2020, we asked you to be generous with your financial giving to our parish home, and you responded more generously than we could ever have anticipated.  We are blessed in your love for this place, for each other and for the community around us.  Thank you to ALL of you.

We now turn to the offerings of our time and talent.  With suggestions from Vestry members as to where help is most needed, we have created pledge cards for adults for you to look and see where your talents can be put to use to serve our parish and our community.  Please prayerfully consider where you are willing to serve and check all the areas that interest you most.

We also created a pledge card for our children to fill out. If your child(ren) is/are interested in helping, discuss this with them and then have them fill out the card and sign it.  Having an adult sign indicates that the parent/guardian is aware of the commitment the child is making.

There are always ways we can help, some of them more physical than others.  Our monetary giving only goes so far – and then we have to provide some elbow grease to make the work go more smoothly.  All things in Love, includes our labor as well as our purse strings.

Please return these cards to St. Thomas’s – ATTENTION: Stewardship Committee – by April 11, 2021 if possible, and the appropriate ministry chair will be notified.  You can mail or email your reply.  Or, you can stop by the church building and leave them in the office.  If Cana is not in, please use the wooden mailbox on the office door.  Please contact Kristin Sausville or Helen Spence with any questions. 

This is a parish that takes All Things in Love seriously, and we all benefit from that.


Kristin Sausville
Stewardship Chair

2021 Annual Giving – October update

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Brothers and Sisters in Christ’s Love:

All Things in LoveWe want to welcome you to the St. Thomas’s Annual Giving campaign for 2021. The theme this year mirrors the theme for the Annual Convention – All Things in Love.

During the pandemic, our financial realities have been different from what we had projected, yet we have striven to share God’s Love. Our mission did not change, even if our way of providing All Things in Love might have.

  • We continued to serve UD students from Blue Hen Bounty.
  • We prepared meals for 640 homeless over 16 weeks.
  • We continue to prepare lunch for 50 at Hope Dining Room each month.
  • We provided 3 worship opportunities each week; Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening.

Our hope for 2021 is that we will be able to continue to provide digital worship for those who cannot join us in person. We look to continue to serve those less fortunate, and expand those ministries.  We have approved and are preparing for the installation of solar panels to reduce costs. Our work, worship, mission and ministry are informed by God’s Love. 

We cannot go back to the way things were, but we can thrive as we move into the future.  Our ability to accomplish All Things in Love depends on your prayerful consideration of your financial commitment to our work.  We ask you to seek the places where you see God at work in Love, and see how your contribution can allow us to participate.   Your Love makes our Love possible. See the pledge card and some information which may help in your decision. Our Annual Giving campaign will officially end on Sunday, October 25, 2020, as we pray in thanksgiving for those pledges we have received by that time.

If the social distancing we have all experienced has taught us nothing else, it is that we need one another to be our best. Our parish and our community depend on our commitment to All Things in Love.

In Christ’s Love we ask,

The Rev. Howell Sasser – Rector, St. Thomas’s
Kristin Sausville – Stewardship Chair
Joy Lynam – Sr. Warden