Adult Education on Dec. 22 and 29, 2019

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Dear Friends,
       Adult Ed will be meeting neither Sunday, Dec. 22nd nor on the 29, 2019. On Jan. 5, we will begin our considered discussion of, and reflections on, the first chapter of Robin DiAngelo’s book, White Fragility. Please join us then, and in the interim have a blessed Christmas and  joyous new year.
Pax,Ronnie wilbur, Rue Manning, and Larry Duggan

Lay Eucharistic Ministry – a glimpse into this important ministry

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Celebrant: In the name of God and of this congregation, we send you forth bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the body and blood of Christ.
All: We who are many are one body because we all share in one bread and one cup.

On Sunday mornings at the end of the Eucharist, you see Eucharist Visitors be charged by the priest to take Holy Communion to our house-bound parishioners. This is a way to make our brothers and sisters know that they are indeed an essential part of the congregation, even though they cannot be physically in the building with us. Our lay Eucharistic visitors are rewarded beyond measure for their service. If there are others of you who think you might like to be part of this ministry, you are invited to go along with our lay Eucharistic visitors and see what it’s like. Then, you can tell Larry Duggan that you’d like to be scheduled once a month as a visitor yourself, perhaps as part of a team of two.

Recap of this year’s 2019 Annual Bazaar

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The Annual Bazaar was held on December 6th and 7th for the general public and after each of the services on Sunday, December 8, 2019.

On December 5th, the Great Hall was filled with parishioners setting up displays and bringing in craft items, specialties for the Bake Table and the food for lunches to be served on Friday and Saturday.

However, the real work was done in monthly planning meetings beginning in early May. In September at Rally Day, we showcased some of the items that would be for sale and had the congregation vote on the tiles of the Pilgrimage Windows that we would ask Christina School District Networks to produce for sale at the Bazaar.

A core group consisting of Katherine Doggett, Debbie Kearns, Joy Lynam, Connie Malin, Carol Palermo, Lisa Goodwin, and Barb Graham solicited everything from craft items, baked goods, and gently used items for the white elephant room to quarts of soup to sell (always a big favorite). As in the past, the parishioners went over the top in their response. In addition to items donated by our congregation we had returning and new vendors.

The event was advertised on Facebook, Instagram, and our web page. Over 650 people viewed the article on Facebook and we had more vendors apply than we could handle. We produced flyers announcing the Bazaar as in years past. In addition, thanks to Teresa Coons, we had very attractive post cards with the dates and times of the Bazaar and some of the offerings on the back. All were encouraged to take and distribute the flyers and post cards.

Parishioners also supported the Bazaar during the sale. This year, as in the past, all proceeds from the sale go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries.

The Committee is a great group to work with. Our first organization meeting will be held in early May. You may want to consider joining this fun and valuable group.

Barbara Graham, Annual Bazaar Chairperson

Carpenter’s Helper news for December 15, 2019

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Happy Advent friends!  As you’ll see in the reminders below, it certainly is a busy time of year!  I hope that you have found ways to make this season extra special.  

I haven’t had the pleasure of attending one yet, but I hear that the Sunday evening Advent prayers have been marvelously intimate and meaningful. If you go, share your experience with others, in person or through social media (or throw some photos or text my way and I will be glad to share!).

Please see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper, and be sure join us at noon this Sunday for our next Coffee Hour Speaker: Dorothy Thayne will speak to us about the symbolism of icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus.

Save the dates:
*Dec. 15, 2019 at 6 p.m. – Advent Evening Prayers
*Dec. 22 , 2019 at noon – Greening of the Sanctuary
*Dec. 22 , 2019 at 5:30 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Pageant & Advent Prayers
*Dec. 24 , 2019 5:30 p.m. carols and 6:00 p.m. service with Eucharist. Also, 10:30 p.m. carols and 11:00 p.m. service with Eucharist
*Dec. 25 , 2019 CHRISTMAS! 10:00 a.m. service
*Jan. 6, 2020 EPIPHANY potluck and burning of the greens- more info to come, but save the date!!!  The fire permit has been pulled, and the pink slip for the potluck is turned in.  This will be Fr Howie’s first time attending this awesome event at St Thomas’s; let’s show him how we let our light shine (literally…with a huge bonfire in the parking lot).

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Children’s Ministries News for December 15, 2020

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Sunday, December 15, 2020 is the Second Sunday of Advent. Sunday School began with Sunday Breakfast Club in the Library of the Undercroft  at 9:30 a.m. Thank you to Madeline Johnson for hosting this week. Don’t forget to sign up for your turn by using this link:

The education and worship part of our children’s program will begin at 9:45 a.m. in the Undercroft. If you can, please join us and/or have your children join us as we begin the journey leading us to mystery of Christmas in the PreK-K classroom and as we continue the celebration of Advent as a season of joyful waiting in grades 1-6. 

A few additional bits of news:

  • This week, we will be practicing and preparing for the annual Children’s Pageant, which will be part pageant/part prayer service as typically happens. Please try to have your children in attendance as much as possible during the month of December as this makes it easier for the grown-ups and the children. We will practice during Sunday School each week and will have extra practices on Dec. 15, 2019 (immediately after the 10:30 a.m. service) as well as on Dec. 20, 2019 (6 p.m. with pizza at the end of practice). The pageant/prayer service will be on Sun., Dec. 22, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. with practice at 3:30 p.m.
  • I have been asked to share a paper copy of our Breakfast Club sign up sheet. A paper copy of the sign up sheet will be posted on the Children’s Ministries bulletin board starting tomorrow for those who would to sign up to host this way. Thank you in advance to all those who do.
  • All of St. Thomas’s has  been invited to attend Faith and Family Day at the UD Basketball game on January 12, 2020. CREW, our youth group, will be attending as our meeting that day. Please let me know as soon as you can via email or the sign up sheet on the Great Hall door if you plan to attend as well. Advance ticket prices will be depend on the size of our group.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Belinda Young-Payne, Director of Children’s Ministries

CREW news for December 15, 2020

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CREW (“Christians Ready, Equipped, and Willing” – youth in grades 7 through 12) met Sunday,  December 15, 2019 at noon in the Undercroft. They had a light lunch and then completed some Advent activities.  

Here are a few other update for CREW participants.

Please return any registration forms you have not returned.

Please remember friends are invited to all CREW activities.

All of St Thomas’s has been invited to attend Faith and Family Day at the UD Basketball game on January 12, 2020. CREW will be attending as our meeting that day. Friends and family are invited to attend as well.  Please let us know via email or the sign up sheet on the Great Hall door as soon as you can if you plan to attend as well. Advance ticket prices will be depend on the size of our group.  

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Belinda, Children’s Minister

Opportunity to serve our community

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Looking for an opportunity to give back this Christmas?

“Christmas For All” is for the homeless, hungry, and the lonely in our community.  This is an annual event held over Christmas Eve night, into Christmas day, run by Code Purple.  Again this year, it will be held at Calvary Baptist Church on Delaware Ave., Newark.

Please share your time or gifts as you can.  Volunteers can come for 1 hour, or stay the whole 12 hours.  Gift cards, as well as warm clothing are needed to help make Christmas special.

They need your help to make this happen.  If you are able, please contact Tom Perkins with Code Purple by email at or by phone at 302.465.2070.

Please pass along this information to others who may be looking for a way to add meaning to their holiday.  “For it is in giving that we receive.” – St Francis

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Carpenter’s Helper news for week of December 8, 2019

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Please see the Carpenter’s Helper news for this week 

IT’S BAZAAR TIME!  After months and months of planning and behind the scenes work, it’s finally here!  Come in Friday, Dec. 6, 2019 from 9-5 and Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 from 9-4 … and bring a friend!  Lunch will be available from 11:30-1 p.m. and a breakfast buffet on Saturday from 9-10 a.m. 

Here are a few other Save-The-Dates for you:
*Fri., Dec. 6 at 5 p.m.- Poets’ Corner
*Sat., Dec. 7, at 10 a.m. – Altar Guild in-service
*Sun., Dec. 8 at 9:15 a.m. – Novel Theology in the classroom
*Mon., Dec. 9 – Christmas Flower Dedications are due
*Dec. 1, 8, and 15 at 6 p.m. – Advent Evening Prayers
*Dec. 12 at 1 p.m. – RESCHEDULED Property Meeting
* Dec. 15 – Coffee Hour Speaker Dorothy Thayne
* Dec. 18 – Ladies’ Night Out at Skipjack
* Dec. 22 at noon – Greening of the Sanctuary
* Dec. 22 at 5:30 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Pageant & Advent Prayers

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Children’s Ministries news for December 7 and 8, 2019

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This Sunday, December 8, 2019, Second Sunday of Advent, Sunday School will begin with Sunday Breakfast Club in the Library of the Undercroft  at 9:30 a.m. Thank you to the Quinones family for hosting this week. Don’t forget to sign up for your turn by using this link:
The education and worship part of our children’s program will begin at 9:45 a.m. in the Undercroft. If you can, please join us and/or have your children join us as we begin the journey leading us to mystery of Christmas in the PreK-K classroom and as we explore the message of preparation in the season of Advent and the preaching of John the Baptist in grades 1-6.  

A few additional bits of news:

  • This week, we will be assigning planning parts and service roles for the Annual Children’s Pageant which will be part pageant/part prayer service as typically happens. Please try to have your children in attendance as much as possible during the month of December as this makes it easier for the grown-ups and the children. We will practice during Sunday school each week and will have extra practices on the morning of Dec. 14, the afternoon of Dec. 15 as well as the evening of Dec. 20. The pageant will be on Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. with practice at 3:30 p.m.
  • On Saturday, December 7, 2019 as part of the St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar, I will be hosting a fundraiser Pancake Breakfast Buffet. The buffet will include pancake bar, sausage, eggs, fruit, and drinks. Ticket prices at the door will be $5 per adult/older child and $3 per child under 10, 2 years and younger free.  Please come to enjoy good food and fellowship with family and friends. Then, stay to do some shopping at the Bazaar!
  • All of St Thomas’s has  been invited to attend Faith and Family Day at the UD Basketball game on January 12, 2019. CREW, our youth group, will be attending as our meeting that day. Please let me know as soon as you can via email or the sign up sheet on the Great Hall door if you plan to attend as well. Advance ticket prices will be depend on the size of our group.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Blessings,Belinda Young-Payne, Director of Children’s Ministries