Adult Education on Sunday, December 1, 2019

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Dear Friends,
        In adult education tomorrow, we will begin reading and talking about an important new book, Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility. Why It’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism, a dense and meaty short book about something that involves us all. WWJS (What would Jesus say)? “Read it, and weep!” We gather in the parlor at 9:15 a.m., but latecomers are always, always welcome. At 6 p.m. tomorrow evening, we will begin a new, regular prayer service, which hopefully will become a regular service on Sunday evenings (and perhaps at other times as well). We all have people and causes to pray for, and it is good, very good, to develop the regular habit of praying for them. We rarely know whether our prayers seem to do “any good” for others; but what has been long known and appreciated is that the act of regular prayer for others does change us, and always for the better.  Think about that–and act on it.
Pax,Larry Duggan

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for November 10, 2019

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Happy Friday everyone!  Who’s excited for the hayride and bonfire tomorrow night? Please see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter.  We continue to be lively, engaged, and busy in a good way.  Here are just a few reminders:

  • Heeey- the hayride and bonfire at Milburn Orchards is tomorrow night!  Please arrive at 5:30 p.m.; hayride leaves promptly at 6 p.m.
  • Novel Theology is having a guest author this Sunday.  They will meet in the classroom (previously in the business office, but concerned about limited space).  Come and meet Michele Chynoweth, even if you haven’t read the book yet, 9:15 a.m.
  • This is the last week for the Anglican Way.  “Normal” adult education will pick up next week in the Parlor.
  • Mark Burchess will be presenting this Sunday at both the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services.  He will be sharing his #BrownsvilleLove ? experience.
  • Creation Care has a great display in the great hall, and we want YOU to be a part of it.  I will be looking for volunteers to strike a pose for the earth.  The get together Home Energy Forum is Wednesday at 10 a.m. – coffee, tea, and conversation about creation care.
  • CREW will be running a winter clothes drive starting Sunday.  There will be a collection box in the great hall.  Gently used coats, scarves, and gloves, and new hats and socks are requested. 
  • Next Saturday, 11/16 at 4 p.m. in the Nave, poet Claire McCabe will be sharing some of her favorites as a continuation of the Poets’ Corner Series.
  • Wow- that is a lot, and I know there is more.  If you want to see your event or note here, or on any form of communication, please let me know.  We are a VIBRANT parish!

See past Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman / Parish Administrator

Pledge cards reminder

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This is a reminder that your pledge cards are due.  If you have not yet, please turn them in as soon as you can. The Vestry will be working on the budget this week and the more complete the picture is, the better they can be great stewards of these gifts. The budget is based on pledge amounts,

Where Grace happens, Generosity happens.  Thank you for your generosity.

#BrownsvilleLove this Sunday

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This Sunday, Mark Burchess will be sharing his mission trip experience at the border in Brownsville, Texas with us.  He will be sharing at the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services with a slide show.  What questions do you have?  Come hear about how we can continue to support humanitarian efforts and live Matthew 25:35.

Faith and family day at UD Football on Nov. 16, 2019

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Hello Everyone,I received an invitation this fall to Faith and Family Day UD Football games. Kelly Thompkins and I have identified Nov. 16, 2019, as the day we are able to host a St. Thomas’s Group. We would get discounted tickets ($15-$28 each, I predict), our name on the board, and the youth group would get an opportunity to be on the field with the players. If you are interested in going to the game against Stony Brook on Nov. 16, let me know. If we can get a large enough group together, I”ll arrange the outing.


Belinda Young-Payne

Annual Hayride and Bonfire on Nov. 9, 2019

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Our annual Hayride and Bonfire!

November 9, 2019

Wagons will leave at 6:00 p.m. Please try to arrive by 5:30 p.m.

$15 per adult and $8 per child, 5 and under are free!

There is a sign up sheet hung on the door in the lobby, please let us know if you plan to come! If you decide at the last minute to come, come on! Just bring your payment with you! We will provide the hot dogs, cider, water and S’more fixins.

Location: Milburn Orchards, 1495 Appleton Rd, Elkton, MD 21921

Use the special parking lot designated for Bonfires, NOT the farm market parking lot.This is where your group will gather, the tractor driver will pick you up and drop you off at the end of the evening. The FarmYard is off limits after dark so it is extremely important to use the correct parking area. For a printable map and directions to Milburn Orchards, please visit

Contact Kelly Tompkins with any questions.

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of November 3, 2019

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See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of November 3, 2019.


  • This Sunday, CREW will meet at noon in the classroom.
  • Next Sunday, Nov. 10, author Michele Chynoweyth will be visiting with the novel theology group to discuss her book, The Jealous Son.  Even if you have not read this juicy book based on the biblical story of Cain and Able, please stop in this week to join in the discussion: business office 9:15 a.m.
  • Do we have a calligrapher in our midst?  Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for some occasional writing.
  • Pop Tabs: the team of students from Teamworks, who keep our sanctuary clean, are taking a field trip to the Ronald McDonald House.  If you have Pop tabs at home, please bring them in this Sunday so the students can turn in our donation as part of their field trip Thursday.
  • Hayride and Bonfire is coming up next Saturday, Nov. 9!  I’m so excited!!  The sign up sheet is on the door of the Great Hall and also by the Kitchen.  Even if you miss the sign up, just show up at Milburn Orchards at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday evening.  The cost is $15 per adult, $8 per child, and FREE for 5 and under.  This covers the event cost, as well as hotdogs, beverages, and S’MORES!
  • The Creation Care ministry is ramping back up, with a wonderful display in the Great Hall, and the upcoming Home Energy Forum on Nov 13th at 10 a.m.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

Winter Clothes Drive

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Can you imagine being outside in the freezing cold without adequate clothing?

The youth group, C.R.E.W. (C.R.E.W. stands for “Christians Ready, Equipped, and Willing” and youth in grades 7 through 12 are encouraged.), would like to do a winter clothes drive for the unfortunate in our community.

We would appreciate donations of gently used or new winter coats, gloves, scarves, rain/snow pants. We would prefer that hats and warm socks be purchased new.

We will start collecting on November 10th. We will have bins located in the great hall for you to drop off at anytime during the week.

We plan to distribute to local organizations and during Code Purple.

Thank you for your help in advance,

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of October 27, 2019.

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See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of October 27, 2019.


  • #BeScaryGood and help out our youth on Sunday between services with their Trick Or Treat for UNICEF: bring your change/dollars/checks
  • This Sunday, Bettie von Frankenberg will be laid to rest in St Thomas’s cemetery.  There will be a visitation with the family in the Parlor following, around 2:45pm.
  • correction: the Hayride and Bonfire are on Saturday, November 9th, not Weds the 6th.
  • Meet the author: Novel Theology will meet 11/10 to discuss “The Jealous Son”.  Not only does this look like a fun, juicy read…the author, Michelle Chynoweth is coming!
  • Wednesday, 11/13, at 10am, in lieu of Bible Study, there will be a Home Energy Forum to learn how we can be better stewards of the Earth.  This is an Interfaith event, and we hope to see many of our Newark neighbors attending.  Please invite yours!
  • On Tuesday, 11/26 at 7:30 pm, we will join with many of our neighbors from many different faith traditions for an Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving at the New Ark United Church of Christ.  If you would like to add your voice to the Interfaith choir, please arrive at 6:30 for rehearsal.

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.