Adult Education on Sunday, December 1, 2019

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Dear Friends,
        In adult education tomorrow, we will begin reading and talking about an important new book, Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility. Why It’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism, a dense and meaty short book about something that involves us all. WWJS (What would Jesus say)? “Read it, and weep!” We gather in the parlor at 9:15 a.m., but latecomers are always, always welcome. At 6 p.m. tomorrow evening, we will begin a new, regular prayer service, which hopefully will become a regular service on Sunday evenings (and perhaps at other times as well). We all have people and causes to pray for, and it is good, very good, to develop the regular habit of praying for them. We rarely know whether our prayers seem to do “any good” for others; but what has been long known and appreciated is that the act of regular prayer for others does change us, and always for the better.  Think about that–and act on it.
Pax,Larry Duggan