Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Opportunities

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Dear St. Thomas’s Family,

It is wonderful to worship together again and to renew friendships following a period of isolation and creative precautions within the parish community we cherish. Unfortunately, many of our once active committees, services, and areas of outreach were suspended due to Covid, but our spirit never left our desire to not only resume our efforts, but also grow and refresh our internal and external efforts in serving the mission of St. Thomas’s. 

The Pastoral Care Ministry has been meeting this summer to review what was done pre-virus, to restore as many services as possible, and to generate new energy and ideas that are inclusive and responsive to the spiritual needs, personal support, and celebration of others. An important part of the Pastoral Care Ministry is providing Eucharistic Visitation to those unable to attend services in person so that they may be able to receive communion and together, enjoy conversation. If a number of volunteers can step forward to offer this service, scheduling will be arranged to visit in pairs and training will be provided. The goal is to establish a schedule where pairs would only be asked to visit on one weekday or weekend day of a month (your choice!) or once every other month depending on the number of volunteers. Please consider this wonderful opportunity to serve as an Eucharistic Visitor.

St. Thomas’s is on the move!  The Outreach Committee is busily arranging program opportunities which provide resources, education, and overall fun for everyone!  But your time and talent are needed to help make these activities successful. Whether ushering, welcoming, providing hospitality, serving Blue Hen Bounty, working with our youth, assisting with technology, providing resources, helping administratively, and sharing your ideas…. we need YOU now to step forward and help us reestablish and grow our parish committees. 

Please feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions or simply want to discuss where you might be able to share your time, talent or both (!) in serving St. Thomas’s. 

Many Blessings,


Hope Dining Room volunteers needed Monday, August 15, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, August 15, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room to “serve a midday hot meal with dignity, to those in need in the Greater Newark Delaware area.”  They are now having guests “Dine In” instead of serving “Grab and Go”, as we did during the pandemic. All of this takes place at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park, Newark.

I have changed the shifts to a cooking shift from 10 – 11:45 a.m. and a serving and cleanup shift from 11:45 – 1:30 p.m.    Please sign up to donate or help

If you would like to help serve, please bring an apron and a ball cap. It is a TEAM effort to cook meals and serve them to people who really appreciate them.  It’s actually lots of fun!  Come and give it a try – it will make your day!

Please sign up to donate. Father Howie is making his famous secret-recipe cake (VERY popular with our guests!!!), so I don’t need to ask for cookies this month! If you are donating fruit cups, you may bring them to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday between 9 – noon OR bring them when you come to church on Sunday morning.  If those times don’t work for you, give me a call or email and I will pick them up at your house.

Blessings to all – stay cool,
Madeline Johnson

Hope Dining Room volunteers needed – Monday July 18, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Next Monday, July 18, 2022, is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. They are now having guests “Dine In” instead of serving “Grab and Go”, as we did during the pandemic. All of this takes place at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. 

I have changed the shifts to a Cooking Shift (10 – 11:30 a.m.) and a Serving and Cleanup Shift (11:30 – 1:00 p.m.). Also, we will need 2 people to set up table cloths and flowers and also 2 people for cleanup and 2 to refill items on the tables during the reception. If you would email Sally Price with your willingness to help with those jobs, we would be SO appreciative. Her email is

Below, you will find a link for things we need – AND helpers!  If you would like to help, bring a ball cap and an apron and we would LOVE  to see you. It is a TEAM effort to cook meals and serve them to people who really appreciate them. It’s actually lots of fun! Come and give it a try – it will make your day!

If you are donating one of the items we need, you may bring it to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday from 9 – 12,  OR bring it Sunday morning when you come to church!  If those times don’t work for you, give me a call or email and I will pick them up at your house.


Madeline Johnson

Hope Dining Room volunteers for May 16, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, May 16, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. Our number of guests is rising and we will be preparing 60 meals next Monday. We begin cooking at 10 a.m. at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. We are finished cleaning up by noon.   

See the Sign Up Genius for the donations we need.   You may bring them to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – noon or when you come to any service this week.  There is a box in the Narthax labeled “HOPE DINING ROOM”.    Also, you can call or email me and I will pick the items up at your door.

Beginning next month, we will be switching from “grab and go ” meals, to “dining in”.   We will need more volunteers to serve.   It is really a team effort and it feels SO good to help people who are ALL very appreciative. We divide up the work, into very doable tasks and we always have fun!    Think about it 🙂

Many Blessings to you all,
Madeline Johnson

CPR/AED training offered June 4, 2022

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CPR/AED trainingThis American Heart Association Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / Automated External Defibrillator (AHA CPR/AED) Course is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who wants to be prepared to save a life.

The class is offered on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 9 a.m. at St. Thomas’s Parish on 276 S. College Ave., Newark, DE. There is no charge for St. Thomas’s parishioners but the class is available to the public for $15 per person.

Please visit
to register. If the class fills up, there will be a waiting list and potentially additional sessions.

What does this course teach?

  • Describe how high-quality CPR improves survival
  • Explain the concepts of the Chain of Survival
  • Recognize when someone needs CPR
  • Perform high-quality CPR for an adult
  • Describe how to perform CPR with help from others
  • Give effective breaths using mouth-to-mouth or a mask for all age groups
  • Demonstrate how to use an AED on an adult
  • Perform high-quality CPR for a child*
  • Demonstrate how to use an AED on a child*
  • Perform high-quality CPR for an infant*
  • Describe when and how to help a choking adult or child
  • Demonstrate how to help a choking infant*

Upon completion of all course requirements, participants receive a Heartsaver CPR AED Course Completion Card which is valid for two years.

Hope Dining Room volunteers for April 18, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Easter Monday, April 18, 2022, is our opportunity to serve lunch at Hope Dining Room. Our numbers have increased since Christmas and we will be preparing 60 meals that day, for people who REALLY appreciate it. I always leave there with a warm heart.

We begin cooking at 10 a.m., at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Rd. in Brookside Park. We are finished by noon.  See the Sign Up Genius for the donations we need. You may bring them to St. Thomas’s on Tuesday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – noon or when you come to any service this week or on Easter! If you can’t make these times, give me a call or an email and I will pick it up at your house.

Beginning in June 2022, we are going to start serving “in-house”.  Since COVID, we have been doing “Grab and Go”.     We will be needing many more volunteers and will probably break it into 2 shifts: cooks (will come earlier) and servers (will come later). 

MANY Blessings to all,
Madeline Johnson

Hope Dining Room volunteers for March 21, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, March 21, 2022, is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room.  We have been having about 60 guests each day, so the need for a meal is increasing in Newark. If you would like to contribute to the effort, you will find a Sign Up Genius for the items we need to complete the meal.

You may bring your items to St. Thomas’s,  Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. – noon or when you come to church on Sunday. If you can’t get there, send me an email and I will pick the item up at your house.  

Beginning in JUNE, we will be serving IN Hope Dining Room – no more “grab and go”.  We will need more volunteers in the kitchen to help serve and the duty times will change: 10:30 – noon for the cooks and 11:45 – 1:30 for the servers.

As always, thank you for your support of those who need us most.

Madeline Johnson

Hope Dining Room volunteers for February 21, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, February 21, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. We will be making 60 meals for anyone who is hungry.  We begin cooking at 10 a.m. at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. We are finished cleaning up by noon and we always have fun.

Now is your opportunity to have fun in February! Please use the following Sign Up Genius for items we need.

You may bring your items to St. Thomas’s, on Tuesday through Thursday from 9 to noon. Or, bring them on Sunday, when you come to church. If you are stuck at home and have items to donate, email or call me and I will pick them up at your house.

Many Blessings to ALL of you,
Madeline Johnson

Code Purple of Delaware – helping with shelter for the homeless in bitter cold

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When temperatures drop below freezing and conditions pose a threat to individuals who are homeless, a network of agencies throughout Delaware help people obtain shelter. During times such as these, Code Purple of Delaware, along with the support of the Friendship House, here in New Castle County, Delaware, will initiate and communicate a Code Purple Alert to make shelter arrangements for homeless adults. While the Hope Center has provided housing for many of our neighbors in need, during the coldest nights, there are still not enough beds. So, as in years past, St. Thomas’s is joining with a handful of other churches in the area to give sanctuary on those dangerously cold nights.

Last Tuesday, January 11, 2022, we hosted 6 homeless guests for dinner and a safe, warm overnight in the Great Hall. Dinner was WONDERFUL and provided by the University of Delaware. Some of our guests had 3 plates full. They were SO grateful! Everybody slept well, stayed warm and we had NO problems. There is the possibility that we will need to host Code Purple again on Saturday, January 22, 2022. Friendship House is not going to make the decision to call it, until Friday afternoon. It will be our turn to cover it, IF it happens, and looking at the weather forecast ….. we just want to be ready – in case.

This large, safe space is a blessing that we must share with our community. How awesome that we are able to participate in Code Purple! If you would like to learn more, or are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Madeline Johnson at

Hope Dining Room volunteers for January 17, 2022

posted in: Outreach, Service | 0

Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, January 17, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room  We begin cooking at 10 a.m. at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. We are finished cleaning up by noon and we always have fun.

Now is your opportunity to have fun in January! Below is a link to a Sign Up Genius for items we need.  

You may bring your items to St. Thomas’s, on Tuesday through Thursday from 9 to noon. Or, bring them on Sunday, when you come to church. If you are stuck at home and have items to donate, email or call me and I will pick them up at your house.

Many Blessings to ALL of you,
Madeline Johnson