The 175th Annual Meeting of St. Thomas’s Parish

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The Wardens and Vestry of St. Thomas’s Parish have set aside The Second Sunday in Lent, March 12, 2017 for the 175th Annual Meeting of St. Thomas’s Parish. This important gathering gives opportunity to gather as a community of faith, to hear reports of our ministry activities over the year past and plans for the year ahead, and to elect four [4] people to three year terms as servant leaders of our parish.

We will also be affirming/electing delegates to represent St. Thomas’s at the Special Convention for the election of the 11th Bishop of Delaware scheduled for July 15, 2017. The current delegates to the Diocesan Convention are willing to serve – Jordan Kinsey and Marilyn Prime, Mariah Payne as our under 30 year old delegate, and Devon Miller Duggan as alternate. Nominations will also be included from the parish if you feel called to serve in this important event of our common life. Details for nomination [by other or self] will be forthcoming in future mailings.

We will gather at 12:00 p.m. in the Great Hall, beginning with time of fellowship and a light lunch with refreshments. The meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. We are offering activities for our children so that parents may participate fully in the life and ministry of our parish.

More information will be forthcoming in The Carpenter in February and March, and weekly in the Carpenter‘s Helper announcements beginning in February. We will again offer the Annual Report electronically at least one week before the Annual Meeting. We hope this will provide this report of our mission and ministry over 2016 to those who wish to have it, and reduce the amount of paper copies produced and then left behind.

I pray you plan to join YOUR FAMILY of faith as we continue to grow in God’s grace and serving as the disciples of our Lord Christ in our days! Fr. Paul+

St. Thomas’s 175th anniversary history research

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175th Anniversary history research: In honor of St. Thomas’s 175th anniversary, we will be continuing the research into the parish’s history that we began in 2015. This will include organizing the parish archives, researching in various sources, and sharing the information with the parish and the larger world. All that is required is an inquiring mind and a commitment to accuracy. An organizational meeting will be held on Saturday, January 28, at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlor. If you’re interested or have questions, contact Connie Cooper at 302-731-7595 or

Coming Home … Going Forward, Together – A Pastoral Letter to St. Thomas’s Parish

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Blessings in Grace to all in this family of faith!

I have been emerging from what feels like a very bad and persistent hangover from a one night bender, something I have not felt this palpably in over 19 years. Holding my feelings in prayer, and in the conversations with so many who bear your own feelings like this emerging less from who won or did not win the elections this Tuesday past but more from what has happened to us as a nation, as human beings one to another, in this land. A philosopher once wrote about the early emerging nation called the United States of America that “What makes America great is that it is GOOD. When it ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.”

What has emerged from my prayerful bearing of this “hangover” is a pastoral letter I have attached,  sharing my journey and given to you as it may be of help, if any. As noted in the latter part of the letter, I will be present for holy listening and speaking with one another for anyone who desires on Sunday, November 13 in the seating circle in the Great Hall between and after the morning services, and will arrive around 4 p.m. for the 5:30 p.m. service this day.

This is not a commentary, it is my best prayerful response, broken and redeemed as I am. My desire is that we not spiral down into the ugly diatribe swirling around us, but as people of Love, be with one another, for one another, in Christ. May this be so. See this Pastoral Letter.

Grateful to all, always, in peace,
Fr. Paul Gennett, Jr.+

Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) Sunday – Nov. 13

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Each year, in the Fall and Spring terms, we set aside one Sunday to recognize our Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) program and the students involved in leadership and service. This Fall, our ECM Sunday is Sunday, November 13, and on this day the students will serve as greeters, ushers, lectors, fellowship hosts, and preacher. This Fall, Colleen Murray will be our preacher at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship. Colleen has grown up amongst us over her 19 years, and it is a great grace to hear God’s word and work through her. Additionally, we are delighted to welcome home the Reverend Ann Urinoski as our guest celebrant at both services! Please join us in the grace we have to be such a vital partner with our university in this important way.

Ann Urinowski wearing her new stole

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AnnUrinowskiStole-smallAs a follow up to our earlier story “Gift for Ann Urinowski“, we wanted to share a picture of Ann in her stole – St. Thomas’s gift to her to celebrate her ordination.

St. Thomas’s is still accepting contributions toward the stole so you can still be part of our celebration. St. Thomas’s online giving site has been updated with an account where you can give specifically to toward the stole. Or, you may give by cash or check.

Congratulations Ann!

Gift for Ann Urinowski

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We are still accepting contributions toward the stole that St. Thomas’s gave to Ann Urinowski to celebrate her ordination.  Our online giving site has been updated with an account where you can give directly to this cause online.  Or you still give by cash or check.  See the original announcement in the Summer Carpenter or below.
Here is the link for online giving:
Thank you,
Sue Houghton

Ann Urinoski ordained as Deacon

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Deacon Cecily, Deacon Ann, Father Paul

Father Paul and Deacon Cecily attended the ordination of Deacon Ann Urinoski. Ann was an active member of ECM while a student at the University of Delaware. She was the president of ECM her junior and senior year. Ann is in her last year of seminary at The General Theological Seminary, in New York

Ann spent a year in South Africa with the Episcopal Service Youth Corp. She was ordained at the Cathedral in Trenton, New Jersey on December 16, 2015