Shut-In Mailing Volunteer needed

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Every week a mailing goes out to those members of our parish family who are unable to join us for worship on Sunday. The mailing comprises a current copy of the Carpenter’s Helper along with a copy of the 10:30 a.m. Sunday bulletin. Barbara Eldred had been performing this ministry for quite some time but, has decided to step away from it in order to allow someone else the opportunity to take on this ministry. It takes very little time and the office can supply the volunteer with envelopes, mailing labels, and postage. If you believe you are called to this ministry, please contact Adele Meredith at the church office at 302-368-4644 or

Choir School of Delaware Performance at St. Thomas’s – February 3, 2019

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Please note that the Choir School of Delaware will be joining us and performing at the 10:30 a.m. service at St. Thomas’s Church on Sunday, February 3, 2019.  This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and support the students and adult mentors of the Choir School of Delaware.  The Choir School serves Wilmington’s youth and families through after-school mentoring, musical training, and performances throughout Delaware and the region.  I know that you will be inspired by the Choir School at this special choral event.  Thanks and we hope to see you on February 3rd at the 10:30 a.m. service.
–Rich and Jean Wadman

4th Sunday Choir this Sunday

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I invite you to join the 4th Sunday Choir this Sunday, January 27!  The anthem is a simple 2-part piece that will be easy to pick up; so it won’t be necessary for anyone to come to rehearsal tomorrow night (Thursday, Jan 24).  Of course, if you wish to come to rehearsal YOU ARE WELCOME!

Please, please, please arrive for the Sunday morning rehearsal promptly at 9:30 a.m.  Please.

Marc Cheban
Organist and Choir Director

Ladies Night Out for Winter 2019

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Ladies, It looks like the 15th will be a great date for Winter Ladies Nights. Let me know if you have suggestions for locations for the remainder of the winter. We hope you can make this relaxing opportunity to visit with other ladies from St. Thomas’s.

Sue Houghton

Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019: Iron Hill Restaurant – Main Street, Newark
Friday, Feb. 15, 2019: Location TBD
Friday, March 15, 2019: Location TBD
Monday, April 15, 2019: Location TBD

Epiphany Potluck and Burning of the Greens

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This year’s annual Epiphany Potluck will be held on Sunday, January 6 at 6:00 p.m. The Hospitality Ministry will be providing the main course with potluck sides being requested. For questions regarding the potluck, please contact Cana Hartman at