Family Trivia/Pizza Night

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Cana Hartman, Kelly Tompkins, and Kristin Sausville are planning “Are you smarter than a Sunday school student?” Join us for pizza, ice cream, and a chance to see what you remember from Sunday school alongside Father Howie. Adults can play, and kids can join our classroom panel to assist the adults with what they may have forgotten. This is open to the public so all are welcome and we hope to see a lot of you there!

This event takes place on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Hall at St. Thomas’s Parish. Please RSVP to Kristin Sausville at

St. Thomas’s Cemetery Spring Cleaning

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Sue Houghton is going to do some spring cleaning at the St. Thomas’s cemetery on Delaware Avenue tomorrow (Thursday, April 11, 2019) morning from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. If you are available and want to help out, bring some gardening tools and meet Sue there. She expects there are weeds to pull and bushes to trim.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2019

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Please join us for Holy Week services as we walk through Holy Week and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday, April 14th, with Holy Eucharist at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. services. The Liturgy of the Palms and distribution of palms will take place at both services.

Maundy Thursday, April 18th, for a Parish Supper & Holy Eucharist with foot washing, stripping of the altar, and watch beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Good Friday, April 19th, with Good Friday Liturgy at 12:00 Noon and the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.

Holy Saturday, April 20th, with Reconciliation (Confession) from 2:00-4:00 p.m. and the Great Vigil of Easter at 7:00 p.m. at St. Nicholas Church at the corner of Old Newark and Chestnut Hill Roads.

Sunday of the Resurrection, April 21st, with Holy Eucharist 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. services with a special coffee hour & and Easter egg hunt!

Easter Egg Hunt 2019

posted in: Children's Ministries, Events | 0

Please see our Easter 2019 flyer about the egg hunt on Easter Sunday, April 21.  Feel free to print, copy and/or pass our flyer along to others in our community.

The Easter egg hunt and special goodies will be available after the 10:30 a.m. service on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019.  This event will be hosted by St. Thomas’s Children’s Ministry. 

Everyone is welcome to attend!!


Fr. Howie hits the ground running for Preston’s March for Energy

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Fr. Howie is planning to squeeze a 5K race in between services on Sun., April 7, 2019 in an event to raise funds for a good cause, and to hopefully bring awareness that St. Thomas’s is on the map.  The race starts at 9:00 a.m. and the route goes down Orchard Ave which runs along the west side of the Grove.  If you want to join him, here is the link for the race sign-up as well as a link to donate directly to this cause.

If you are not up to running or walking the event, come join us along Orchard Ave at the west end of the Grove to cheer him on and to raise awareness to the community that we are here and are a lively church.  Wear your St. Thomas’s shirts / sweatshirts if you have them or make a sign if you feel like it.

See below for a map of the race route and where the cheering section should meet.

Sue Houghton

Race Description

Placers is proud to present the Orange Crush Your Run 5K! Come run through the streets of Newark with us.

Upon completion of your race, Orange Crushes will be waiting for our 21 plus runners back at the famous Deer Park Tavern!

This is a run/walk so come out regardless if this is your first 5K or if you’re a veteran!

Proceeds from this event will be going to Preston’s March for Energy.

Preston’s March for Energy was created with one goal in mind. With the overwhelming need for adaptive recreational equipment for children with disabilities and the concern for childhood obesity, Preston’s March For Energy’s mission is to provide adaptive bikes to children with special needs.

Our Goal is to have 20 bikes given away to 20 kids on a waiting list to receive a bike and have them join us in the race!

For more information about Preston’s March, see the website.

Join us! It warms our hearts every time a child is given a bike designed just for them! We want to share in spreading that joy with as many people as possible!

Post Race Party at Deer Park Tavern from 9:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m.

Each participant will get two drink tickets for Orange Crushes.

*no shirts or chip time provided for 1 mile fun run/walk.

**Parking Notification: There is no parking in the Deer Park parking lot for the event.

We highly recommend using the paid parking garage across the street from the Deer Park or a paid City of Newark Municipal lot.

Poets’ Corner Reading Series

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Sarah Ann Winn’s first book, Alma Almanac, was selected by Elaine Equi as winner of the Barrow Street Book Prize. She is the author of five chapbooks, the most recent of which, Ever After the End Matter, is forthcoming from Porkbelly Press in 2019. She teaches poetry workshops in Northern Virginia and the DC Metro area, and online at the Loft Literary Center. Visit her at or follow her @blueaisling. Sarah will perform the poetry of her favorite poets. See flyer on Facebook.

Co-sponsored by the University of Delaware Department of English and St. Thomas’s Parish.