Annual Hayride and Bonfire on Nov. 9, 2019

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Our annual Hayride and Bonfire!

November 9, 2019

Wagons will leave at 6:00 p.m. Please try to arrive by 5:30 p.m.

$15 per adult and $8 per child, 5 and under are free!

There is a sign up sheet hung on the door in the lobby, please let us know if you plan to come! If you decide at the last minute to come, come on! Just bring your payment with you! We will provide the hot dogs, cider, water and S’more fixins.

Location: Milburn Orchards, 1495 Appleton Rd, Elkton, MD 21921

Use the special parking lot designated for Bonfires, NOT the farm market parking lot.This is where your group will gather, the tractor driver will pick you up and drop you off at the end of the evening. The FarmYard is off limits after dark so it is extremely important to use the correct parking area. For a printable map and directions to Milburn Orchards, please visit

Contact Kelly Tompkins with any questions.

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of November 3, 2019

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See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of November 3, 2019.


  • This Sunday, CREW will meet at noon in the classroom.
  • Next Sunday, Nov. 10, author Michele Chynoweyth will be visiting with the novel theology group to discuss her book, The Jealous Son.  Even if you have not read this juicy book based on the biblical story of Cain and Able, please stop in this week to join in the discussion: business office 9:15 a.m.
  • Do we have a calligrapher in our midst?  Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for some occasional writing.
  • Pop Tabs: the team of students from Teamworks, who keep our sanctuary clean, are taking a field trip to the Ronald McDonald House.  If you have Pop tabs at home, please bring them in this Sunday so the students can turn in our donation as part of their field trip Thursday.
  • Hayride and Bonfire is coming up next Saturday, Nov. 9!  I’m so excited!!  The sign up sheet is on the door of the Great Hall and also by the Kitchen.  Even if you miss the sign up, just show up at Milburn Orchards at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday evening.  The cost is $15 per adult, $8 per child, and FREE for 5 and under.  This covers the event cost, as well as hotdogs, beverages, and S’MORES!
  • The Creation Care ministry is ramping back up, with a wonderful display in the Great Hall, and the upcoming Home Energy Forum on Nov 13th at 10 a.m.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

Winter Clothes Drive

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Can you imagine being outside in the freezing cold without adequate clothing?

The youth group, C.R.E.W. (C.R.E.W. stands for “Christians Ready, Equipped, and Willing” and youth in grades 7 through 12 are encouraged.), would like to do a winter clothes drive for the unfortunate in our community.

We would appreciate donations of gently used or new winter coats, gloves, scarves, rain/snow pants. We would prefer that hats and warm socks be purchased new.

We will start collecting on November 10th. We will have bins located in the great hall for you to drop off at anytime during the week.

We plan to distribute to local organizations and during Code Purple.

Thank you for your help in advance,

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of October 27, 2019.

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See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of October 27, 2019.


  • #BeScaryGood and help out our youth on Sunday between services with their Trick Or Treat for UNICEF: bring your change/dollars/checks
  • This Sunday, Bettie von Frankenberg will be laid to rest in St Thomas’s cemetery.  There will be a visitation with the family in the Parlor following, around 2:45pm.
  • correction: the Hayride and Bonfire are on Saturday, November 9th, not Weds the 6th.
  • Meet the author: Novel Theology will meet 11/10 to discuss “The Jealous Son”.  Not only does this look like a fun, juicy read…the author, Michelle Chynoweth is coming!
  • Wednesday, 11/13, at 10am, in lieu of Bible Study, there will be a Home Energy Forum to learn how we can be better stewards of the Earth.  This is an Interfaith event, and we hope to see many of our Newark neighbors attending.  Please invite yours!
  • On Tuesday, 11/26 at 7:30 pm, we will join with many of our neighbors from many different faith traditions for an Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving at the New Ark United Church of Christ.  If you would like to add your voice to the Interfaith choir, please arrive at 6:30 for rehearsal.

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

Carpenter’s Helper Newsletter for October 20, 2019

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See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of October 20, 2019.


  • Ladies’ Night Out is Friday at the Olive Tree Cafe at 6 p.m.
  • Poet’s Corner is tomorrow, Saturday, at 4pm in the Nave.  “You REALLY do not want to miss this one. I previewed some pieces, and Miriam Sagan’s poetry reads like painting in the air with sensory memories and emotions (I realize that sounds very strange, but that’s the closest I can come to describing her sumptuous work).”  Thank you Devon for the introduction to her works.
  • Please continue to pray for team #brownsvillelove in Texas this week.  They are observing, making connections, learning how we can best help, and COOKING FOR OVER 600 people!

See all Carpenter’s Helper newsletters and announcements.

The Anglican Way series begins October 6, 2019

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The Anglican Way is a six-week crash course in our:
Experience in America

The course takes place beginning October 6 through November 10, 2019, in the Parlor at 9:15 a.m.for an hour each week. This series serves as both a sort of inquirer’s class and a refresher course on who and why we are as Episcopalians and members of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Who or what is a prebend? Is is polite to tell a bishop that his/her rochet is showing? Are the hamburgers any good at the Court of Arches?

Whether you are new to the Episcopal Church or have been around your whole life, it’s worth stopping to ask questions about who we are, why we do what we do, and what we believe. The Anglican Way will answer a few questions, look with fresh eyes at a few debates, and share the richness of our heritage. Join us to learn about theology, worship, mission, and even a few kinds and queens and rochets and prebends.

Everyone is welcome to attend this brief 6 week class. The bishop will be visiting our Parish again this spring for our Youth confirmation. At that time, adult confirmations and reaffirmations can be done. Wouldn’t it be a blessed sight to see a large group at the alter this year? Oh, the cake we could have!

But in all seriousness, this is a series for everyone; whether you are considering confirmation, or just want to learn more about this faith that we share. If you have any questions about confirmation or reaffirmation, please speak with Fr Howie.

This is the first series in St. Thomas’s offerings for the 2019-20 Christian Education Season.

Installation for Fr. Howie on October 9 at 6:00 p.m.

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On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, at 6 p.m., we will celebrate the installation of Father Howie Sasser as the 22nd Rector of our beloved Parish. A reception will follow in the Great Hall. Please mark this important event on your calendar and plan to join us at St. Thomas’s Church to welcome our new Rector.

The language of the church can sometimes be strange, and the term “installation ceremony” when used for welcoming a new priest is certainly one completely inadequate to describe the deeply personal and spiritual festival that involves all members of the church, some with “key” roles as they come one by one to present
the candidate with the tools of his work. The tools presented included a Bible, water, a stole, a Prayer Book, oil, a symbolic key to the church, the Canons and Constitution, and bread and wine.

The Celebration of New Ministry service is a cherished tradition of our church. The liturgy is from our Book of Common Prayer and other liturgical supplements. It is a time when the parish stands as a united community before the bishop to request that the new Rector be installed.

Fr. Howie has been with us for a short while now, but let us gather together at this blessing as we make it official. In the short time that he has been here, there has already been so much excitement: new educational programs and religious offerings, a push towards utilizing social media, literally pounding the pavement (in a race between services!) reaching out to our larger community, and of course his incredible sermons, that are now available on YouTube. Let’s make this an evening to remember.

Annual Bazaar 2019

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Visit St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar to be held on
Friday, December 6 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and
Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

You will find unique holiday crafts (many under $10), fresh baked goods, cookie walk (build your own cookie tray!), quarts of homemade soups, St. Thomas’s t-shirts and hoodies, second-hand Christmas decorations, resale shop / white elephant sale, and exclusive new items.

On Saturday there will be a Breakfast Buffet available for purchase from 9 – 10:00 a.m.  On Friday and Saturday, join us for lunch, which may be purchased between 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Please share our Annual Bazaar flyer!

All proceeds from the Annual Bazaar go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries. Open to the public.