Women’s Retreat interest requested

posted in: Women's fellowship | 0

Why do people need a retreat?
Because: It’s hard to hear God’s voice above the hubub of everyday life.

Faith is contagious and we need each other for faith to spread. Being together encourages us to “love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). Worshiping, praying, and learning with our siblings in Christ makes us stronger.

If you are interested in spending time in reflection, renewal, fellowship, and connecting with and listening for what God may have planned for you, then let us hear from you. We are imagining a retreat for women of all ages at Memorial House in Rehoboth Beach.

To express your interest, please email either of the individuals listed below:
Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry, sqkingsberry1@verizon.net
Caroline Coolidge Brown, mail@CarolineCBrown.com

If sufficient interest is expressed, a retreat will be planned for Winter 2022. When you respond, please indicate:
Your first and last name.
The name of your parish.
Your age range (20-30, 50-60, etc.)
Whether you would prefer a weekday or weekend retreat.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!