The Church’s Response to COVID-19 – December 2020 update

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Dear Friends,

Greetings to you as we reach the middle of the second week of Advent.  I’m sure that, like me, you have been following with concern reports of the rising number of COVID cases and hospitalizations.  So perhaps it will come as no surprise that the Bishop has decided once again to suspend in-person worship at Episcopal churches in Delaware, effective December 14, 2020.  This seems wise, given the advice we are getting from the Governor and others that we should stay at home just as much as possible.  This is especially hard in a season when we would most like to be with family and friends, and to be gathering with our church family.  Please be assured that St. Thomas’s will continue to worship.  We will return to our pattern over the summer – “broadcasting” services on YouTube with the smallest possible number of people in the building.  We will not reduce the number of services we had planned for the remainder of Advent and Christmas, and Communion at the curbside will continue to be available.  Other meetings and events in the church will also be curtailed, but our service to the community – through Blue Hen Bounty and our new project with the Tarbiyah School, among others – will go on without interruption.

Please know that you are in my prayers as we make our way through this strange time.  I remain grateful for all the ways that we are remaining strong as a community, and I am confident that we will emerge from our COVID experience as a vital part of the Kingdom of God.  Please keep St Thomas’s and the work we do in your prayers.
I wish you health and happiness – and all joy for Christmas.

Peace and be well,
The Reverend Dr. Howell C. Sasser, Jr., Rector