Epiphany Intercessory prayer service at noon

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Happy 2021 faith family!  Wednesday, January 6, 2021 is Epiphany.  In the interest of health and safety, we will not be celebrating in our traditional ways this year. However, this is still an important date in our calendar.  At noon, there will be a special Intercessory Prayer service with music and Holy Eucharist. Tomorrow at noon, connect to our  YouTube page and here is the accompanying service leaflet.

“Chalking your door” is another way to remember this day in a socially distanced way.  This year, perhaps more than ever, is a year in which we need to invite Jesus  into our homes, our Domestic Churches.Instructions for Blessing the Home:Using chalk, mark the lintel of your front door as follows:
20 + C + M + B + 21 saying:
The three Wise Men, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar followed the star of God’s Son who became human two thousand and twenty one years ago.
May Christ bless our home and remain with us throughout the new year.

Then, say the following prayer:
Visit, O Blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence.
Bless all who live or visit here with the gift of your love;
and grant that we may manifest your love to each other
and to all whose lives we touch.
May we grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of you;
guide, comfort, and strengthen us in peace,
O Jesus Christ, now and for ever.

What does the inscription ‘20 + C + M + B + 21′ mean?
The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials of the Magi – Caspar, Malchior, and Balthazar – who came to visit Jesus in His first home. They also abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat: “May Christ bless the house.”

The “+” signs represent the cross, and the “20” at the beginning and the “21” at the end mark the current year.
Taken together, this inscription is performed as a request for Christ to bless those homes so marked and that He stay with those who dwell therein throughout the entire year.

On Thursday, Deacon Cecily will continue her Thursday night Compline service at 7 p.m.  via ZOOM.  ALL are Welcome. 

This Sunday, January 10, 2021, we will have our regular 9 a.m. worship service, coming to you LIVE on YouTube and in-person by sign-up.  Following the service, Fr. Howie will be offering Drive/Walk Through Communion and Prayers from 10-11 a.m. ALL are Welcome.

This Sunday also begins the new year of Adult Christian Education at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. The first session will focus on the book “Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of the Lord of the Rings”.  A Zoom invitation will be sent on Sunday.  Please contact the office with any questions.

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service for January 3, 2021

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Hello faith family!  I hope this finds you well on the last day of 2020.  January 3, 2021 is the second Sunday after Christmas. Here is the  service program for your preview. There are paper copies available to be mailed.  If you would like one, please let me know. 

We will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m. on our YouTube channel. Following the service each week in January, Fr. Howie will be offering Drive/Walk Through Communion and Prayers from 10 to 11 a.m.  ALL are Welcome!

Please see our parish prayer list.  These names are read aloud and prayed for each Wednesday at the service of intercessory prayer and sharing this list each week in the Sunday leaflet gives us all the opportunity to participate.  Please take a moment to look over this list and send me any updates or additions.

The much anticipated Lord of the Rings theme adult education will begin next Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. via ZOOM.  A ZOOM invitation will be sent to all.  It will utilize “Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of The Lord of the Rings”  by Mark Eddy Smith.  Please contact Rue, Larry, or the office with any questions.

At this time, all services and gatherings have been moved to online.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about the decision to move back to online worship. Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page. 

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday! 

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service for December 20, 2020

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Hello faith family!  I hope this finds you well.  December 20, 2020 is the fourth Sunday of Advent. We will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m. on our YouTube channel.  Here is the  service program, and the service program in large print  for your preview. There are paper copies available to be mailed. If you would like one, please let me know.

Following the service each week in Advent, Fr. Howie will be offering Drive/Walk Through Communion and Prayers from 10 to 11 a.m. ALL are Welcome!

And then, at 5 p.m., there will be Lessons & Carols for Advent, live via YouTube.  Here is the leaflet for that event. 

At this time, all services and gatherings have been moved to online.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about the decision to move back to online worship. Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

I have provided our parish prayer list. These names are read aloud and prayed for each Wednesday at the service of intercessory prayer and sharing this list each week in the Sunday leaflet gives us all the opportunity to participate.  Please take a moment to look over this list and send me any updates or additions.

The Lord of the Rings adult education class has been postponed until January, so we can focus on celebrating the Advent season in new and meaningful ways during this unprecedented year.  This gives you plenty of time to dust off this awesome trilogy, or enjoy them for the first time!

On December 27, 2020, Novel Theology will meet via Zoom to discuss “Where Courage Calls” by Janey Oke and Laurel Oke Lagan.  There is still plenty of time to dig into this good read.

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page. 

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday! 

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service sign-up for December 13, 2020

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Third Sunday of AdventGood morning faith family.  Here is your link to sign up for in-person worship for this Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9 a.m.  As always, we will continue to stream each service on our YouTube.  All are welcome; please worship in whatever way is comfortable for you. Here is the  service program and the service program in large print  for your preview. This is the Third Sunday of Advent. There are paper copies available to be mailed.  If you would like one, please let me know. 

This Sunday, and each Sunday in Advent, at 10:00 a.m., Drive Through Communion and Prayers will be offered for those who have not received the Sacrament in-person during the service.  You do not need to sign up for this.  ALL are WELCOME!

And then, at 5 p.m., there will be Advent Evening Prayer live on YouTube and in-person with precautions.  You do not need to sign up to attend this service. Here is the accompanying worship bulletin.

The Lord of the Rings adult education class has been postponed until January, so we can focus on celebrating the Advent season in new and meaningful ways during this unprecedented year.  This gives you plenty of time to dust off this awesome trilogy, or enjoy them for the first time!

On December 27, 2020, Novel Theology will meet via Zoom to discuss “Where Courage Calls” by Janey Oke and Laurel Oke Lagan.  There is still plenty of time to dig into this good read.

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page. 

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service sign-up for December 6, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Good morning faith family.  Please sign up for in-person worship for this Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 9 a.m. See the FAQ about the precautions and procedures for meeting in-person safely.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about this option. Each service will continue to be streamed, and I suspect many of us will still be participating from home.  Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

As always, we will continue to stream each service on St. Thomas’s YouTube channel – this is the same link each week. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service program and the service program in large print. All are welcome; please worship in whatever way is comfortable for you.

This Sunday and each Sunday in Advent at 10:00 a.m., Drive Through Communion and Prayers will be offered for those who have not received the Sacrament in-person during the service.  You do not need to sign up for this.  ALL are WELCOME!

And then, at 5 p.m., there will be Advent week 2 Evening Prayer, live via YouTube and in-person with the usual precautions (masks required). Here is the leaflet for the Advent Evening service.

The Lord of the Rings adult education class has been postponed until January, so we can focus on celebrating the Advent season in new and meaningful ways during this unprecedented year.  This gives you plenty of time to dust off this awesome trilogy, or enjoy them for the first time!

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page. 

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service sign-up for November 29, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Advent 1Good morning faith family.  Please sign up for in-person worship for this Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 9 a.m. See the FAQ about the precautions and procedures for meeting in-person safely.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about this option. Each service will continue to be streamed, and I suspect many of us will still be participating from home.  Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

As always, we will continue to stream each service on St. Thomas’s YouTube channel – this is the same link each week. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service program and the service program in large print. All are welcome; please worship in whatever way is comfortable for you.

This Sunday and each Sunday in Advent at 10:00 a.m., Drive Through Communion and Prayers will be offered for those who have not received the Sacrament in-person during the service.  You do not need to sign up for this.  ALL are WELCOME!

And then, at 5 p.m., there will be Advent week 1 Evening Prayer, live via YouTube and in-person with the usual precautions (masks required). Here is the leaflet for the Advent Evening service.

The Lord of the Rings adult education class has been postponed until January, so we can focus on celebrating the Advent season in new and meaningful ways during this unprecedented year.  This gives you plenty of time to dust off this awesome trilogy, or enjoy them for the first time!

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service sign-up for November 22, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Hello faith family!  I hope this finds you well. Here is the service program and the service program in large print for your preview. Sunday, November 22, 2020 is the last Sunday of Pentecost and Christ the King Sunday. Next Sunday begins Advent! And, Christian Education is wrapping up our celebration of Creation Season. 

On Sunday, we will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m. and also worshiping in person. On Sunday, connect to our worship service at St. Thomas’s YouTube channel – this is the same link each week. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service program and the service program in large print.

Following the service this week, Novel Theology will meet via Zoom to discuss The Girls of Ennismore by Patricia Flavy.  A Zoom link will be sent Sunday at 10 a.m.  Reading this book is not required to participate in this lively discussion, though it’s another stellar choice.  Set in Ireland during the turbulent early 20th century, Patricia Falvey’s sweeping novel explores an unlikely friendship between two girls of vastly different backgrounds, as each tries to overcome the barriers set by class and birthright…

Yesterday, I emailed an invitation to in-person worship for this Sunday. with a link to a sign-up genius.  Here is the FAQ about the precautions and procedures for doing so safely.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about this option. Each service will continue to be streamed, and I suspect many of us will still be participating from home.  Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday! 

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service for November 15, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Pentecost 24Hello faith family!  I hope this finds you well. Sunday, November 15, 2020 is the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Here is the service program, and the service program in large print. There are paper copies available to be mailed. If you would like one, please let me know.

We will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m. and also worshiping in person. On Sunday, connect to our worship service at St. Thomas’s YouTube channel – this is the same link each week. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service.

After the worship service, we are continuing our celebration of Creation Season. Lisa Locke and Shweta Arya of Delaware Interfaith Power and Light will be giving a presentation on creation care. This will be presented in the church building, as well as via ZOOM.

Yesterday, I emailed an invitation to in-person worship for this Sunday, with a link to a sign-up genius.  Please also see the FAQ about the precautions and procedures for doing so safely.  Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about this option. Each service will continue to be streamed, and I suspect many of us will still be participating from home.  Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page. 

See past sermons or bulletins on our Recent Sermons page.

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday! 

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship service sign-up for November 15, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Good morning faith family.  Please sign up for in-person worship for this Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 9 a.m.  As always, we will continue to stream each service on our YouTube.  All are welcome; please worship in whatever way is comfortable for you.

This Sunday at 10:30 a.m, following the service, Lisa Locke and Shweta Arya of Delaware Interfaith Power and Light will be giving a presentation on creation care. You can participate either in-person or via Zoom and a reminder will also be sent out on Sunday at 10 a.m.

Please continue to share your impressions and ideas for both in-person and online worship.  Your thoughts are appreciated!

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644