Worship and weekly news – December 18, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the Fourth Sunday in Advent – December 18, 2022, Year A.

News for the Week

See the Carpenter’s Helper Weekly news for December 18, 2022, Christmas Letter from the Rector, as well as, the many activities below.

Worship at St. Thomas’s

Services are held in-person and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule

This week’s Sunday Schedule

Growth and Fellowship:

  • 1st Sunday of the month – Gospel in Spanish
  • Last Sunday of the month – Family Church Sunday
  • Last Sunday of the month – Coffee and Fellowship between services
  • 2nd Sundays at 9:15 a.m. – Novel Theology
  • 3rd Monday of the month – Hope Dining Room
  • Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. – 2 Saint Readers
  • Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. – lectionary bible study in the classroom.
  • Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. – Youth Activity: Elf movie and dinner party
  • Monday, December 19, 2022 – Hope Dining Room needs volunteers
  • Sunday, December, 24, 2022 – Christmas Eve:
    • 4 p.m. – This will be a fun, shorter, and family friendly service. This is a perfect last-minute wrap up to this Advent season, and a final surge of excitement with joyous caroling for the birth of our Savior!
    • 8 p.m. – A traditional, more peaceful and reflective service, with twinkling candlelight and tranquil music.
  • Sunday, December, 25, 2022 at 10 a.m. – Christmas Day – This will be a Rite II service with music, however, expect a more quiet, special and serene service as we praise God for the arrival of sweet little baby Jesus.
  • Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 6 p.m. – Epiphany Potluck Gathering
  • Sunday, January 29, 2023 between services – presentation from The Friendship House/Empowerment Centers

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to our church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Christmas and Christmas Eve 2022 Schedules

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Christmas Eve – Saturday, December, 24, 2022:

  • 4 p.m. – This will be a fun, shorter, and family friendly service. This is a perfect last-minute wrap up to this Advent season, and a final surge of excitement with joyous caroling for the birth of our Savior!
  • 8 p.m. – A traditional, more peaceful and reflective service, with twinkling candlelight and tranquil music.

Christmas Day – Sunday, December, 25, 2022:

  • 10 a.m. – This will be a Rite II service with music, however, expect a more quiet, special and serene service as we praise God for the arrival of sweet little baby Jesus.

There are many more opportunities to fluff the hay in the manger of our hearts. See our parish calendar for a full listing. Please reach out to the office with any questions or additions.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – December 11, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the Third Sunday in Advent – December 11, 2022, Year A.

Weekly News:

Here are some of our top news items this week. Also see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter.

Worship at St. Thomas’s:

Services are held in-person and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

Growth and Fellowship:

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – December 4, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the Second Sunday in Advent – December 4, 2022, Year A.

Weekly News:

Here are some of our top news items this week. Also see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter.

Worship at St. Thomas’s:

Services are held in-person and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

Growth and Fellowship:

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Compline Evening Prayer

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Welcome to a peaceful landing place in your weekly journey.

Compline Worship BookletCompline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord’s Prayer, collects which ask for God’s protection during the night to come, and the canticle Nunc dimittis. The collects may be followed by a time of silence, along with free intercessions and thanksgivings.⁠ See the accompanying Compline booklet.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the office with any questions or suggestions.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – November 27, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the First Sunday in Advent – November 27, 2022, Year C.

Weekly News:

Here are some of our top news items this week. Also see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter.

Worship at St. Thomas’s:

Services are held in-person and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

  • Sundays at 8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite I spoken, in-person and online at our YouTube channel (8:00 booklet).
  • Sundays at 9:15 a.m. – Adult Education via Zoom or in-person in the Parlor.
  • Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022 Family Church Sunday. Ministry breakfast between services – sponsored by the communication ministry. At 10:30 a.m. worship service, look for our young members to be contributing to the service.
  • Sundays at 10:15 a.m. – Children’s Ministries program
  • Sundays at 10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite II with music, in-person and online at our YouTube channel (10:30 booklet).
  • Advent Sundays at 5:00 p.m. – see worship program

Growth and Fellowship:

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – November 20, 2022

posted in: News, Worship | 0

Hello faith family! This is the Christ the King Sunday – November 20, 2022, Year C.

Weekly News:

Here are some of our top news items this week. Also see this week’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter.

Worship at St. Thomas’s:

Services are held in-person with precautions and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

Growth and Fellowship:

  • 1st Sunday of the month – Gospel in Spanish
  • Last Sunday of the month – Family Church Sunday
  • Last Sunday of the month – Coffee and Fellowship between services
  • 2nd Sundays at 9:15 a.m. – Novel Theology
  • 3rd Monday of the month – Hope Dining Room – volunteers needed Mon., Nov. 21, 2022
  • Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. – 2 Saint Readers (beginning in Oct)
  • Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. – lectionary bible study in the classroom.
  • Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18-19, 2022 – 238th Diocesan Annual Convention. Volunteers needed for the registration table. See Cana or Helen if you can help. Pre-packaged crackers and cookies needed, see details.
  • Thursday, Nov. 24, 2022 – Thanksgiving Day. Office is closed. Blue Hen Bounty (BHB) is closed. St Anne’s, Middletown, is serving a free Thanksgiving lunch.
  • Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022 Family Church Sunday. Ministry breakfast between services – sponsored by the communications ministry. At 10:30 a.m. worship service, look for our young members to be contributing to the service.
  • Sun., Dec. 4, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Mini-Bazaar

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – November 13, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost – November 13, 2022, Year C.

Here are some of our top news items this week. See the Carpenter’s Helper Weekly news for November 13, 2022, an update on Children’s Ministries for November 2022, and Blue Hen Bounty needs donations especially sanitary products, can openers, tomatoes, honey/sugar, and fruit cups.

Worship at St. Thomas’s:

Services are held in-person and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

Growth and Fellowship:

  • 1st Sunday of the month – Gospel in Spanish
  • Last Sunday of the month – Family Church Sunday
  • Last Sunday of the month – Coffee and Fellowship between services
  • 2nd Sundays at 9:15 a.m. – Novel Theology
  • 3rd Monday of the month – Hope Dining Room – volunteers needed Mon., Nov. 21, 2022
  • Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. – 2 Saint Readers (beginning in Oct)
  • Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. – lectionary bible study in the classroom.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022 at 2 p.m. – Cokesbury visitors tour of St Thomas’s stained glass
  • Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18-19, 2022 – 238th Diocesan Annual Convention. Volunteers needed for the registration table. See Cana or Helen if you can help. Pre-packaged crackers and cookies needed, see details.
  • Sun., Dec. 4, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Mini-Bazaar

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

Worship and weekly news – November 6, 2022

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Hello faith family! This is the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost – November 6, 2022, Year C.

Here are some of our top news items this week. See the Carpenter’s Helper Weekly news for November 6, 2022. Here is an update on Children’s Ministries for November 2022. And, Blue Hen Bounty needs donations.

Worship this Week:

Services are held in-person with precautions and online via our YouTube channel. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or Fr. Howie with any questions or concerns about these options. We are listening to the experts and considering how to best keep our faith family safe.

Our weekly Worship schedule:

This week’s Sunday Schedule:

Other Parish Events:

In this strange pandemic time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com.

To see worship, events or news, see our website, FaceBook, InstaGram, YouTube, or the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Regardless of whether we are together in-person or virtually, we are connected by the Holy Spirit:  Always together; never apart…maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644

All Souls Day Prayers for the Faithfully Departed

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All Souls Day

ALL are welcome to join us Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at noon for a special Intercessory Prayer Service, when the names of the faithfully departed will be read aloud.

Please share the names of your loved ones who have passed on during the last year. Write to the Parish Administrator at StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or write the names of the faithfully departed on the clipboard at the back of the sanctuary, next to the parish prayer list.

O God, the Maker and Redeemer of all believers: Grant to the faithful departed the unsearchable benefits of the passion of your Son; that on the day of his appearing they may be manifested as your children; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.