Hope Dining Room volunteers needed Monday, September 19, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Hope Dining RoomNext Monday, September 19, 2022, is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. Guests at Hope are now “dining in” instead of grabbing a lunch and leaving, so we have 2 different short shifts that  you can volunteer for! The cooking shift goes from 10 – 11:45  a.m. and the serving and cleanup shift goes from 11:45 – 1:30 p.m. 

If you’d like to help, please bring a ball cap and apron. We would LOVE to see you! All of this takes place at the Kingswood Methodist Church kitchen on Marrows Road  in Brookside Park. I, Newark, Delaware. It is a team effort, lots of fun and it makes you feel so good to feed people who REALLY appreciate it.

Please sign up to donate or help. If you are donating one of those items, you can bring it to St. Thomas’s, Monday – Thursday, between 9 and noon, OR when you come to church on Sunday. I can’t pick anything up this month but our Hope team is in the good hands of Marilyn Prime and Cathy Wojewodzki, who have volunteered to co-lead this month!

BLESSINGS to you all,
Madeline Johnson

“First Sunday” Loose Plate donation

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This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and all of the loose cash in the plate will be directed to Friendship House.  Friendship House sponsors many outreach programs such as the Newark Empowerment Center, Code Purple, and Transitional Housing.  Additional program details can be found on their website.  

If you’re in church on Sunday, please consider making a contribution to our friends in need by placing cash in the plate at the on the table at the back of the nave.  You can also write a check to St. Thomas’s and specify “Friendship House” in the memo line.  At any time, you can give directly to Friendship House at their website. Regardless of your financial contribution, please keep those in need in your prayers.

Thank you for your consideration.

Amy Keach, St. Thomas’s Treasurer

Empowerment Center in need of “Go Bags”

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Dear Family of St. Thomas’s,

The Newark Empowerment Center is in need of “Go Bags”  (a meal in a bag) for our homeless friends. Everyday the Empowerment Center serves lunch – usually donated by a local restaurant or pizza place, to about 20 homeless friends. As the guests leave, they receive a “Go Bag” for dinner.  The Empowerment Center is running very low on their supply of “Go Bags”. 

If you can possibly make up a few and bring them to St. Thomas’s over the weekend to the Health Fair on Saturday or worship services on Sunday,  they would be SO grateful!  I will put a box in the area outside the Office labeled “Go Bags”. I will deliver them to the Empowerment Center next week.

A “Go Bag” contains:

 A shelf-stable entree (packet of tuna or beef stew or mac and cheese in a can or pack), 

a cup of fruit,

a packet of crackers,

a packet of cookies,

a plastic fork/spoon wrapped in a napkin,

 a drink (bottle of water, packet of fruit juice, etc) 

ALL in a gallon ziplock bag. 

Blessings to you ALL,

Madeline Johnson

Hope Dining Room volunteers needed Monday, August 15, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, August 15, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room to “serve a midday hot meal with dignity, to those in need in the Greater Newark Delaware area.”  They are now having guests “Dine In” instead of serving “Grab and Go”, as we did during the pandemic. All of this takes place at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park, Newark.

I have changed the shifts to a cooking shift from 10 – 11:45 a.m. and a serving and cleanup shift from 11:45 – 1:30 p.m.    Please sign up to donate or help

If you would like to help serve, please bring an apron and a ball cap. It is a TEAM effort to cook meals and serve them to people who really appreciate them.  It’s actually lots of fun!  Come and give it a try – it will make your day!

Please sign up to donate. Father Howie is making his famous secret-recipe cake (VERY popular with our guests!!!), so I don’t need to ask for cookies this month! If you are donating fruit cups, you may bring them to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday between 9 – noon OR bring them when you come to church on Sunday morning.  If those times don’t work for you, give me a call or email and I will pick them up at your house.

Blessings to all – stay cool,
Madeline Johnson     mad1240@comcast.net

School Supplies Drive

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School Supplies DriveSt. Nicholas and St. Thomas’s are partnering up to collect school supplies for two local elementary schools: Jennie Smith and Brookside Elementary.

If you are able to provide any of these items, it will greatly help.

  • #2 pencils
  • Notebooks
  • Crayons
  • Erasers
  • Sharpeners
  • Highlighters
  • Protractors
  • Rulers

Leave your donation in the box In the St. Thomas’s lobby by Thursday, September 8. 2022.

Madeline Johnson     mad1240@comcast.net

Hope Dining Room volunteers needed – Monday July 18, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Next Monday, July 18, 2022, is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. They are now having guests “Dine In” instead of serving “Grab and Go”, as we did during the pandemic. All of this takes place at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. 

I have changed the shifts to a Cooking Shift (10 – 11:30 a.m.) and a Serving and Cleanup Shift (11:30 – 1:00 p.m.). Also, we will need 2 people to set up table cloths and flowers and also 2 people for cleanup and 2 to refill items on the tables during the reception. If you would email Sally Price with your willingness to help with those jobs, we would be SO appreciative. Her email is sallyeymanprice@gmail.com

Below, you will find a link for things we need – AND helpers!  If you would like to help, bring a ball cap and an apron and we would LOVE  to see you. It is a TEAM effort to cook meals and serve them to people who really appreciate them. It’s actually lots of fun! Come and give it a try – it will make your day!

If you are donating one of the items we need, you may bring it to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday from 9 – 12,  OR bring it Sunday morning when you come to church!  If those times don’t work for you, give me a call or email and I will pick them up at your house.



Madeline Johnson     mad1240@comcast.net

A successful Cooking for Two community outreach event

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As part of St. Thomas’s commitment to providing for University of Delaware students who are food insecure, we are always looking for new ways to extend our food resources. To that end, we have joined with the Delaware Cooperative Extension to offer classes to learn to prepare nutritious, easy meals.

Cooking for One or TwoWe had our first class in June 2022 which was open to all members of the community. The theme was Cooking for One or Two. We made shrimp stir fry, broccoli salad and apple pie, Not only did we learn some new recipes, but it was a great to sit and share a meal with others!

Next class is Crock Pot Cooking which will be scheduled for Fall 2022. Using a crock pot is an easy way for busy people to make a nutritious meal and the Cooperative Extension has many great recipes for all tastes and budgets. Currently, we are collecting crock pots to use in this class and then to add to our Blue Hen Bounty supplies to give to students along with the ingredients for a meal. Blue Hen Bounty is a food pantry that provides supplemental nutrition to  University of Delaware students who are food insecure and cannot provide ample nutrition for themselves.

We will be publishing further information about upcoming classes so stay tuned.

Hope Dining Room volunteers for June 20, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Next Monday, June 20, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. For the first time since before the pandemic, we will be “Dining In”  instead of serving “Grab and Go”. 

I have divided the “Helper” section into 2 shifts: 
10 – 11:30  a.m.    for  Cooking and Set Up
11:30 – 1:30 p.m.  for Serving and Clean Up

This is a terrific opportunity to serve some people who REALLY appreciate it!   It always makes me feel good!

We begin cooking at 10 a.m. at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. Bring an apron and a ball cap.

See the Sign Up Genius for things and people we need.  Father Howie is making his famous secret recipe cake for our guests!!!

You may bring your donations of fruit cups to St. Thomas’s on  Monday – Thursday between 9-noon OR when you come to church on Sunday! If you can’t make those times, give me a call or an email and I will pick them up at your house.

Many Blessings to you all,

Madeline Johnson     Mad1240@comcast.net   

Succulent plant sale a success

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Thank you to everyone who made our 2022 first annual St. Thomas’s succulent sale a success! Together, we were able to donate close to $500 to help those impacted by the turmoil in Ukraine.

This year, the alter of repose was adorned with small succulent plants, grown by a local Newarkian, Iris Pangan (Instagram: iris.gardens). Please keep Iris in mind for your local plant needs!

Since succulents can survive harsh conditions such as extreme temperatures and water scarcity, they are associated with resilience and survival. On Good Friday, April 1, 2022, these plants, associated with everlasting love, endurance and loyalty were available for donation.

100% of the donations were sent to WineToWater.org. Wine To Water is a non-profit, working in Ukraine and neighboring countries to distribute water filters to families displaced and under attack in this crisis. Their networks are with local ground leaders devoted to helping in this humanitarian crisis and we wish support their courage.

With infrastructure and supply chains disrupted in the region, people depend on surface water from rivers, rain or untreated sources. Filters give families and shelters a way to prevent waterborne illnesses common in war and refugee camps. The filters also avoid dependencies on single use plastics which add to the environmental disaster created by a global crisis.

Hope Dining Room volunteers for May 16, 2022

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Dear Families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Monday, May 16, 2022 is our opportunity to serve at Hope Dining Room. Our number of guests is rising and we will be preparing 60 meals next Monday. We begin cooking at 10 a.m. at Kingswood Methodist Church on Marrows Road in Brookside Park. We are finished cleaning up by noon.   

See the Sign Up Genius for the donations we need.   You may bring them to St. Thomas’s on Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – noon or when you come to any service this week.  There is a box in the Narthax labeled “HOPE DINING ROOM”.    Also, you can call or email me and I will pick the items up at your door.

Beginning next month, we will be switching from “grab and go ” meals, to “dining in”.   We will need more volunteers to serve.   It is really a team effort and it feels SO good to help people who are ALL very appreciative. We divide up the work, into very doable tasks and we always have fun!    Think about it 🙂

Many Blessings to you all,
Madeline Johnson      mad1240@comcast.net