August 2020 Ladies’ night IN or OUT?

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Ladies, once again I’m asking for your opinions.  I’d like to gather in two Tuesdays, August 25, 2020, for our August Ladies’ Night.  The weather looks to be high 70s in the evening hours, with only a 10% chance of rain.  That sounds lovely to me!  But, you know what they say about weather predictions…

My feeling is that we schedule a Ladies’ Night OUT on the lawn, as we did in June.  If the weather changes, we can then move it to a ZOOM meet up.  I want to know what you think.

Also, please let me know if you have any ideas for activities or games.  Although, honestly I come for the chatting, lol.  I look forward to celebrating our sistership- in person or virtually!

Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator or (302) 368-4644