Throughout October 2023, we are sharing thanksgivings of our blessings and ask how we might share our gifts with our church and others. We hope you will use these to pray about your annual gift to our church and how our church might serve in our community.
And, you have been responding! We are already making progress toward our $290,000 goal with 33 parishioners pledging over $106,000 in just the first two weeks of the campaign. Thank you to those of you who have provided your pledge card and thanks to those of you praying about the gift you may give.
Won’t you please pledge your financial gifts on your pledge card and return it by October 29, 2023? We will present and give thanks for these gifts during both services.
Wish for more information? See all Annual Giving for 2024 updates.
In thanksgiving,
Annual Giving Ministry
Gracious God, we thank you for creating and recreating us to do your good works in the world. Pour into our hearts the spirit of your abundance. Remind us that what we have is only and always for your glory, and that what we give for the work of your church is our testimony to the blessings we have already received. Guide us as we make the choices that will help build your kingdom now and in the future. And sustain us always with the promise of the gift beyond price, your presence among us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.