Adult Education Series – The Rule of Saint Benedict

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The Rule of Saint Benedict series will be held on January 14, 21, 28th, and February 4, 2024 from 9-10 a.m.

In the 6th Century, Benedict of Nursia founded a religious community and wrote for it set of guidelines on how Christians (monks in his case) ought to live a godly and peaceable life together, “The Rule of St Benedict.”

It strikes a balance between the needs and goals of the individual and the community, and is known especially for its emphasis on moderation in all things. In 15 centuries since it was written, it has influenced the lives of countless Christians, those living in religious communities and those living in the secular world.

Join us as we read “Rule”, as it was at its birth and as it is lived today. For source material, we will draw on the Rule as originally written and on “St Benedict’s Toolbox: The Nuts and Bolts of Everyday Benedictine Living,” by Jane Tomaine (an Episcopal priest).Whenever possible, we will offer all our programs in person and virtually. Please make plans to attend in whatever format best fits your circumstances.

Please email the office if you need a zoom link:

See our brochure for Offerings for the 2023-2024 Christian Education Season.