Youth Confirmation for 2021

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This is a call and invitation for Youth Confirmation Class, a unique session in early 2021.  If you’re at least 12 years old or 7-8th grade, you’re welcome to join this spirit-filled journey centered around worship, learning, service, witness and fellowship.  Given the COVID pandemic, the class would meet primarily on Sundays from mid-January thru June 2021 via Zoom.   It’s a few months shorter than usual for us and we require a minimum of two youth for class.  We expect no compromise in content nor to the growth experience for candidates.  There will be loads of prayerful dialogue, laughter and fun as always!

So, what do we do in confirmation class?

  • Relate God’s teachings and Christian faith to our daily living
  • Share life stories to connect with God and one another
  • Give of our time and talent to service projects within the church community
  • Discover what it means to make a personal decision for Christ and meaningful relationship with the church

So, what questions do you have or interested in confirmation?   Drop us a note, text or phone call and we’ll get right back to you!


Teri Quinn Gray <>
Bob Rys <>