Hello fellow bibliophiles! The first meeting of the new Two Saints Readers book discussion group will be Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 10 a.m. There will be 3 more meetings after this at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 10, and 17, 2020. Father Howie will lead the discussions. Note that you’ll need to do some reading before the first meeting on October 27. I suggest you purchase the book and get started!
This is another way the extended families of St. Nicholas and St. Thomas’s can stay in touch and get to know each other too! This is a joint book reading with discussion.
The book is Things Seen and Unseen, by Nora Gallagher: It started with an occasional Sunday, a “tourist’s” visit to a local church. Eventually Nora Gallagher entered into a yearlong journey to discover her faith and a relationship with God, using the Christian calendar as her compass. The Christian calendar, the events of a year in one church, and her own spiritual journey, each strand combed out with harrowing intimacy. Thought provoking and profoundly perceptive, Things Seen and Unseen is a remarkable demonstration that “the road to the sacred is paved with the ordinary.”
Here are some suggestions about buying the book. First let me mention that the Delaware Library System has exactly one book to loan out, so you may want to consider buying the book.
Amazon has new paperback copies at $16. They offer information about several companies that sell good quality used copies, but remember that you’ll pay approximately $5 whether you have a Prime account with Amazon or not. However, even with the postage, you can save by buying used.
This book is also readily available electronically. Amazon offers a kindle download for $6.99.
AbeBook.com has several vendors with used paperback copies, too, for about the same price as Amazon’s. Barnes and Nobel have their new paperbacks listed for $16, Amazon’s price.
Please use this link to sign up for a ZOOM invitation. I will be sending your invitations via email on Tuesdays at 9:45 a.m. If you have questions, please reply to this email or you can contact Alice Edgell from St. Nicholas at alice.edgell@concast.net.
Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator
StThomassOffice@googlegroups.com or (302) 368-4644