
Bible citation

The Vestry is the elected group that, along with the Rector, looks after the parish’s worldly affairs. It creates and monitors the parish’s budget, discusses and decides on major church programs, and plans for the church’s short- and long-term future. Vestry members usually do not represent specific constituencies, but are expected to act for the good of all members of the parish.

Rector’s Warden – Marilyn Prime
People’s Warden – Joan Bennett
Treasurer – Amy Keach
Secretary – Amy Keach
Clerk – Sally Price

Vestry Class of 2025
Joan Bennett
Mike Grabowski
Marilyn Prime

Vestry Class of 2026
Sally Price
Robert Sido
Belinda Young-Payne

Vestry Class of 2027
Mark Bastianelli
Jinglan Redder (Juliana Wu)
Justin Sausville

Mission, Ministry, Management

Our Mission Statement: We welcome the child of God that we are created to be, to seek and serve God and Jesus Christ in our days, in our ways, through all that we do, with all that we have, all of the time! May this information about Mission Ministry and Management at St. Thomas’s Parish encourage you to join us and our parish family, the University of Delaware, our community, and God’s creation.

We organize our ministries as “Mission, Ministry, Management” as way to organize ourselves to love and serve the Lord. More detail on these ministries is available on How will you serve?

Encompasses these Ministries
Outreach, Climate Change, Evangelism, Hospitality, Code Purple, Health, Hope Dining Room, Blue Hen Bounty, Communication — external, Building use
Madeline Johnson
Worship, Education, Pastoral Care, Communication, Technology, Music, ECM Campus ministry
Belinda Young-Payne, Joan Bennett, Sally Price, and Marilyn Prime
Finance, Property, Stewardship, Counters
Mike Grabowski with Amy Keach ex officio