Opportunity to help Afghan Refugees

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Dear Family of St. Thomas’s,

You have, no doubt, heard about the Afghan refugees that are coming into the Philadelphia airport. They are, eventually, going out to cities all over the country. Some are coming to Delaware! 

We have the opportunity to team up with Jewish Family Services (JFS), which is one of the agencies helping to settle these families. They have jobs we would be good at: Helping to furnish their living quarters – don’t we all have an extra spatula or can opener in our kitchen drawers?  An extra chair, mattress or bed? Helping to take them to appointments or to the grocery store. Or, helping them connect to the community.

Jewish Family Services (JFS) will give us a quickie class in cultural sensitivity. We will have a translator available if nobody in the family speaks English. You can tell  JFS exactly what your availability is. Every person who volunteers is a blessing.

These people have come to our country for refuge, with NOTHING. It’s hard to imagine. If you are interested in helping, please send me an email at mad1240@comcast.net and I will let you know when our “Cultural Sensitivity” class will be and how we can obtain our clearances to work with these new friends.

Many Blessings to you all,  Madeline Johnson