Children and Youth Ministries:
Welcome to St Thomas’s Children’s Ministry! We are very excited about our plans to come together as a ministry and as a community of “wondering believers”. And we hope that many new and old friends will join us this year.
Our mission in Children’s Ministries remains the same: to give our children a safe, loving place to discover and experience the living and present God. We strive to give our children new and exciting ways to discover more about God and who God is calling them to be.
Our main framework is a worship schedule that mimics the liturgy of the Episcopal Church: greeting and opening prayer, liturgy of the word, response in the form of art and prayer, and feast and fellowship.
Parents are welcome to join our class at any time.
Family Church Sundays: Every last Sunday of the month will be Family Church Sunday: children will attend the full service with their families. On these days, families will be invited to fulfill service roles in the church. Training is be available as needed.
For more information or to get connected, reach out to the office.
Youth Confirmation:
Youth confirmation is for ages 12-18. Adult confirmation is available and is arranged with the priest.
Question. What is required of those to be confirmed?
Answer. It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, are penitent for their sins, and are ready to affirm their confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
An Outline of the Faith (commonly called the Catechism)
Preparation to receive the sacramental rite of Confirmation begins in September for the youth confirmands in grade 8. During the first semester (September through December), the youth confirmands meet on Sunday mornings for 75 minutes to discuss readings from the Old Testament. These readings have a theme of Making Choices, Dealing with Difficult Times, or Being Called to be God’s Servants. In most cases, this is the first time that the students themselves have read from Books in the Old Testament. In addition, the youth confirmands train to become Acolytes and serve at the 10:30 Sunday service and major holidays.
At the end of the semester, they receive a written test based on their readings and class participation.
From January until the Bishop’s visit, the youth confirmands read and discuss the entire Gospel of Mark in the New Testament. In addition, they are required to do written homework that relates to their reading, develop a time line of the Holy Week based on the Gospel of Mark, role play on several ethical issues, and present a report on one of the Saints in the stained glass windows. Other topics during the semester include the Catechism from the Book of Common Prayer, Prayer, the Sacraments, the Church, the Prayer Book, and Christian Symbolism. They define how they intend to live as Christians by developing a Rule of Life based on the Five Promises they make when they are confirmed by the Bishop. Finally, the semester ends with a written test.
The traditional pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City (“NightWatch”) occurs in the second semester beginning on a Friday afternoon when they leave Newark for New York City. The youth confirmands and chaperons participate in planned programs with the Cathedral Staff. This includes singing, meditation, walking a labyrinth in the Cathedral’s nave, and a tour of the world’s largest Gothic cathedral at night and also during Saturday’s daylight. At midnight we have a Eucharistic Service at the Cathedral’s high altar. At the end of the “NightWatch” program on Saturday morning, the youth confirmands and chaperons do some sightseeing in the “Big Apple” and return to St. Thomas Saturday night.
For more information or to get connected, reach out to the office.
Adult Growth
The Christian life is an adventure. As we journey through life, there’s always something new to learn and discover. We continue exploring our roots, our current identity, and where our faith intersects with the world.
Whenever possible, we’ll offer all our programs both in person and virtually. Please join us in whichever format best fits your circumstances. Here are some opportunities for adult growth:
Weekly Sunday Adult Growth Join us for lively and pertinent conversations about our world, past and present. Adult growth series are held from 9:15 to 10:15 am on select Sundays.
Weekly Lectionary Bible Study A relaxed and friendly group meets at the church on Wednesdays at 10:30 am to discuss the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Come weekly or drop in when you can for new perspectives on familiar stories.
Monthly Novel Theology The Novel Theology group gathers at 9:15 am on the fourth Sunday of each month, from September to May.
(button with a link to a pdf document with the year’s reading list)
For more information or to get connected, reach out to the office.
Giving to St. Thomas
We invite you to participate in our mission of compassion and community support. Through electronic giving, you can make a meaningful impact in several different ways. Visit our giving site and explore the options. Every contribution matters, and together, we make a difference. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our shared mission.