There is no parking lot at St. Thomas’s Cemetery so we recommend parking at the University of Delaware Trabant University Center Parking Garage whose entrance is on Main Street. The garage is pay to park.
The parish cemetery is on West Delaware Avenue, Newark, Delaware adjacent to the former St. Thomas’s church building. The cemetery property was separated from the former church property in the 1950’s when the parish moved to its current location. The first burial (of the infant Angelica Franklin) was on April 28, 1850. She has since been followed by about 200 subsequent interments, including recent interments.
After a period of neglect, the cemetery was rejuvenated in the early 1980’s and reopened for the burial of cremated remains in 1982. There are no recorded burials between the summers of 1967 and 1982. Many, but not all of the early headstones or grave markers were located during the rejuvenation. Burials are recorded in a permanent cemetery register that is cross-referenced with the permanent parish register.
Space in the cemetery is available for the cremated remains of parishioners and, with approval of the rector and wardens, others. The current reservation fee is $1,000. Fees are deposited in a designated “spending” account to cover expenses associated with cemetery maintenance. Upon the recommendation of the finance committee and approval of the vestry, “extra” funds in the spending account are occasionally moved to the cemetery endowment fund for potentially greater investment return.
The cemetery is maintained by a dedicated and loyal handful of parish volunteers led by Wayne Weaver who mow, trim, and weed as necessary. This contribution of time by the volunteers helps to keep expenses modest. This special ministry is open to anyone and volunteers to help with the regular summer mowing are always welcome.
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