“Christmas For All” for Code Purple Guests

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        “Christmas For All”  is going to be held at Calvary Baptist Church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Calvary is opening its  doors at 4 PM Christmas Eve and plans to serve a Christmas Eve Feast to all homeless or displaced persons who accept the invitation.   They will stay overnight there and be served a hot breakfast on Christmas Day and Santa will visit with gifts at 9 AM.  In order for this to happen, all the participating churches in Newark, will need to step up.   

Here are some things you could provide:   FOOD:   ham, turkey, beef, sides, desserts and canned sodas.   Egg casseroles or pastries (in disposable pans).  Lunch meat, rolls, individual chip bags.   GIFTS:  $10 gift cards to Wawa or McD, insulated gloves, warm socks, hand warmers, new underwear – all types and sizes, LED flashlights.  WORKERS:   They are very grateful for 1 hour, 4 hours… of your help.   

IF you can help out, give Tom Parkins a call to volunteer:  302-731-8193 (home) or 302-465-2070 (cell).   There will be a box in the great hall, on the window side, labeled  “Christmas For All”.   I will take it over to Calvary on the 23rd of Dec at noon.   Please have any donations in it by that time.   If you would like to donate something that needs refrigeration, put it in the church frig and mark it:    “Christmas For All”, and  I will take that as well.   If you have questions, please call me.

             MANY Blessings for being the hands and feet of Jesus,  in Newark,

                      Madeline Johnson  

                      Amy Keach 

                      Kelly Tompkins

Annual Bazaar starts tomorrow!

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Have Christmas shopping to do? Needs treats for the office, class, social group, or home? Come to St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar to find just what you need.

Friday, November 30 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

You will find unique holiday crafts (many under $10), fresh baked goods, a cookie walk selection, quarts of homemade soups, St. Thomas’s t-shirts and hoodies, second-hand Christmas decorations, and exclusive new items. On Saturday, there will be a Breakfast Buffet available for purchase from 9 – 10:30 a.m. On Friday and Saturday, join us for lunch, which may be purchased between 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

All proceeds from the Annual Bazaar go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries.

St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar is open to the public. Feel free to share our flyer.

Angel Tree

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This year, St. Thomas’s will once again provide Christmas gifts for local families through the Angel Tree. The tree will be available beginning November 29. Take a tag-or two or three. Purchase the gift and wrap it, putting the tag on the package. Return the gifts to the church by Monday, December 17. Then feel the glow of knowing that you have shared the love of Christ by helping our neighbors in need. Any questions, contact Connie Cooper at 302-731-7595 or cjcooper15@verizon.net. Thank you!

St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar this week – hope to see you!

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St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar Committee is looking for volunteers to bake cookies and to help set up for the Bazaar. To volunteer to bake cookies, please sign up on the sheet posted on the Great Hall door. This year, Bazaar visitors will be able to do a “cookie walk” to create their own cookie tray! Please sign up in the next two weeks to bake cookies. To volunteer to set up for the Annual Bazaar, simply show up in the Great Hall on Thursday, November 29 beginning at 10 a.m.

Mark your calendars now for St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar to be held on Friday, November 30 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You will find unique holiday crafts (many under $10), fresh baked goods, a cookie walk selection, quarts of homemade soups, St. Thomas’s t-shirts and hoodies, second-hand Christmas decorations, and exclusive new items. On Saturday, there will be a Breakfast Buffet available for purchase from 9 – 10:30 a.m. On Friday and Saturday, join us for lunch, which may be purchased between 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

All proceeds from the Annual Bazaar go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries.

St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar is open to the public. Feel free to share our flyer.

Annual Bazaar needs Volunteers

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St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar Committee is looking for volunteers to bake cookies and to help set up for the Bazaar. To volunteer to bake cookies, please sign up on the sheet posted on the Great Hall door. This year, Bazaar visitors will be able to do a “cookie walk” to create their own cookie tray! Please sign up in the next two weeks to bake cookies. To volunteer to set up for the Annual Bazaar, simply show up in the Great Hall on Thursday, November 29 beginning at 10 a.m.

Mark your calendars now for St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar to be held on Friday, November 30 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You will find unique holiday crafts (many under $10), fresh baked goods, a cookie walk selection, quarts of homemade soups, St. Thomas’s t-shirts and hoodies, second-hand Christmas decorations, and exclusive new items. On Saturday, there will be a Breakfast Buffet available for purchase from 9 – 10:30 a.m. On Friday and Saturday, join us for lunch, which may be purchased between 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

All proceeds from the Annual Bazaar go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries.

St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar is open to the public. Feel free to share our flyer.

Annual Bazaar

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Visit St. Thomas’s Annual Bazaar to be held on Friday, November 30 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You will find unique holiday crafts (many under $10), fresh baked goods, a cookie walk selection, quarts of homemade soups, St. Thomas’s t-shirts and hoodies, second-hand Christmas decorations, and exclusive new items. On Saturday there will be a Breakfast Buffet available for purchase from 9 – 10:30 a.m. On Friday and Saturday, join us for lunch, which may be purchased between 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. All proceeds from the Annual Bazaar go to St. Thomas’s Outreach Ministries.

First Sunday Plate Offering for Rector’s Discretionary Fund

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Don’t forget Sunday is the first Sunday in October and the plate offering (bills and coins) will be given to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. This Fund helps those in need in our parish and our community.

Please give generously of your dollars and coins. If you wish to write a check, please note Rector’s Discretionary Fund in the memo line.

Thanks for helping.

Holy Hearts and Helping Hands

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We ask your prayers and help to purchase a gift card that could help provide a tank of gas or buy some needed grocery staples at a local store. The office is currently out of gas cards. Please give them directly to Adele Meredith, Parish Administrator, in the Parish Office or put in an envelope marked to Adele’s attention and place in the offering plate. Donations of gift cards are always welcome. Will you help?

Newark Area Welfare Committee Food Cupboard

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There is a current need for folks to transport the food that has been collected over to Newark United Methodist Church. There is also a continuing need for small jars of mayonnaise, grape or strawberry jam or jelly, canned fruit, and canned tomatoes. Contributions go in the baskets as you enter the nave. The NAWC Food Cupboard also needs volunteers to distribute food at the Cupboard housed at the United Methodist Church on Main St. The Cupboard hours are from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, contact Susan Hechter susanahechter@gmail.com.

First Sunday of the month and Rector’s Discretionary Fund

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This coming Sunday, August 5, is the first Sunday of the month, when the loose offering is given to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Cash, or a check to St. Thomas’s, with Discretionary Fund in the memo line, are welcome. Designated checks are always welcome. The Rector’s Discretionary Fund allows St. Thomas’s to provide confidential assistance to our neighbors in need. The money always goes to a landlord, power company, etc., never directly to individuals. Your generosity allows St. Thomas’s to to be a source of light to those who are struggling in a world that is often dark.