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Saturday, April 9 8:00 AM  –    12:00 PM

AA Area 12 Conference

276 South College Ave. Newark, Delaware 19711-5235 (276 South College Ave. Newark, Delaware 19711-5235)
Saturday, April 9 8:30 AM  –    12:30 PM

A Lenten Quiet Day with the Rev. Mpho Tutu

This spring, join the Rev. Mpho Tutu for a Lenten Quiet Day, to consider seeing with the eyes of goodness. The Rev. Tutu will lead two extended meditations, and then offer time during the morning to reflect through reading, meditation, prayer, use of a labyrinth, or walking the Christ Church campus in silence. All are welcome!

The Rev. Mpho Tutu is an Episcopal priest, the Executive Director of the Tutu Institute for Prayer & Pilgrimage, and with her father, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, has authored the recently published book Made for Goodness.
Copies of her book will be available for purchase and signing at the Quiet Day.
RSVP at 302-655-3379 or

Christ Church Christiana Hundred 505 East Buck Road Wilmington, DE 19807 (Christ Church Christiana Hundred 505 East Buck Road Wilmington, DE 19807)
Saturday, April 9 9:00 AM  –    12:00 PM


Please join us for a work party to cleanup outside the church for Easter. It’s going to be a grand old time and we want YOU to be there!!! Saturday, April 9th, 9:00 a.m. until noon. There is an AA conference going on in the Great Hall that day so we will park on Indian or Sunset Road as not to disturb our guest and this important gathering.