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Saturday, December 24  all day

Christmas Eve Services 4 and 8pm

Christmas Eve:

  • 4pm- This will be a fun, shorter, and family friendly service. This is a perfect last-minute wrap up to this Advent season, and a final surge of excitement with joyous caroling for the birth of our Savior!
  • 8pm- A traditional, more peaceful and reflective service, with twinkling candlelight and tranquil music.

Sunday, December 25 10:00 AM  –    11:00 AM

Christmas Day Service- 10am only

Christmas Day:

  • 10am- This will be a Rite II service with music, however, expect a more quiet, special and serene service as we praise God for the arrival of sweet little baby Jesus.

276 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19711, USA (276 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19711, USA)
Sunday, December 25 7:00 PM  –    9:00 PM

UD Ballroom Dancers- public class

Meets in the Great Hall

Classes are $15 for students and $35 for non-students (for the whole four-week session).

What if I have no dance experience?
Don't worry, most people are beginners. We tailor each class to fit the level of the participants.

What do I wear?
Any comfortable clothing will do. We do ask that you wear comfortable shoes that are securely attached to your feet. Anything that has a tendency to slip off is potentially dangerous. For women, heels are alright if you are comfortable in them, but under 3" is preferred. If you don't feel comfortable wearing heels, flats or sneakers are fine.

How do I register for a public class?
Just show up 10 to 15 minutes early for the first class of the session. The beginning of each session can be found on the calendar. We will ask you to submit your payment and fill out a short contact information sheet for our records in case of emergency cancellations.

If I come with a partner will I be dancing with him/her the entire time?
We encourage rotation of partners during class because it helps the learning process; however, it is not required.
Meets in the Great Hall.

St Thomas's Episcopal Church, 276 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19711, USA (St Thomas's Episcopal Church, 276 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19711, USA)