Annual Giving Pledges Welcomed

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Annual Giving Oct 21 updateFor those of you still considering your pledge, please know that it is not too late to send it in. Please know that your church appreciates all gifts to support us. The work we do is funded, largely, by all of us collectively and our contributions are more and more necessary – all of them.

Thank you very much to those who have provided their intentions for their gift. Remember, WE are the church – WE are created for Good Works – WE are how good works happen! Let your good works shine forth in all you do, all you give, all you are. Thank you for continuing support as we work to do all we can in the love of Christ.

A pledge card is attached and all materials are available at Annual Giving for 2024.

In Thanksgiving, Your Annual Giving Ministry

Gracious God, we thank you for creating and recreating us to do your good works in the world. Pour into our hearts the spirit of your abundance. Remind us that what we have is only and always for your glory, and that what we give for the work of your church is our testimony to the blessings we have already received. Guide us as we make the choices that will help build your kingdom now and in the future. And sustain us always with the promise of the gift beyond price, your presence among us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.