A reading from Luke 22:27

“For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves?
Is it not the one who is at the table?
But I am among you as one who serves.”

How will you serve?
How will you match your talents to the Lord’s work?

Opportunities to serve in our Church are as follows.


ALTAR GUILD members prepare the sanctuary for worship by polishing silver and brass, laundering linens, and inventorying candles, bread, and wine. There are many tasks that can be accomplished by folks of all ages, and we are eager to have new members join us! We will teach you procedures. The only requirements are a good heart and an eye for detail. Leader is Sally Price.

LITURGY GUILD members serve at worship services on Sundays and other holy days, weddings, and funerals, as acolytes, liturgical sub-deacons, communion assistants, and lay readers. Around 25 parishioners serve in these capacities. New members are warmly welcomed in each area and receive training as needed. Leader is Larry Duggan.

MUSIC MINISTRY includes the St. Gregory Choir, parishioners 16 years and older who sing an anthem and lead hymns at the 10:30 service and at special musical liturgies. Instrumentalists are also invited to contribute their talents. Choir members are guided by the parish Organist and Choir Director. Leader is Marc Cheban.

FLOWER GUILD provides the flower arrangements for our Sunday services, weddings, and funerals, as well as other parish events. Volunteers select the flowers appropriate for the occasion and use their creative skills to artfully arrange them. Members serve on average every 4 to 6 weeks during the year with the exception of Advent and Lenten seasons. Skills required are a love of creative beauty and a willingness to serve. Training is provided by fellow guild members, if needed. Leader is Wendy Campbell.

USHERS serve the congregations at in-person 8:00 and 10:30 services on a rotating weekly schedule, as well as at weddings, funerals, and other special services. Ushers hand out service leaflets, pass the collection plates, assist congregants with seating and provide directions as needed. Ushers also assist in parking cars when it is anticipated that attendees may be unfamiliar with our parking arrangements. Leader is Amy Keach.

TECHNOLOGY GUILD supports worship through the parish’s sound system, AV, and video live stream. We need a few more volunteers to operate the sound and video systems during Sunday worship services. We will train new volunteers! With the camera presets, there are written instructions that make using the camera easy to learn and remember. And we are happy to provide as much continuing support as a volunteer would like! This past year, with the help and guidance of Fr. Brown, we have added a 12-week Technology Internship. The first intern is a senior from Newark High. If you know of a local high school student who may be interested in the program, please let Fr. Brown or Bob Gilley know. Leader is Bob Gilley.

LAY EUCHARISTIC VISITORS bring Holy Communion and friendly conversation to parishioners unable to attend services in person, visiting them in their homes and in hospital and nursing homes. Training is provided. Leader is Fr. Howie Sasser.


NEWCOMER’S WELCOME takes a loaf of homemade bread and personal welcome note to people who have newly attended a service at St. Thomas’s. Would you like to be a deliverer of bread or a baker of bread? We have both on this team! You get to choose. Leader is Madeline Johnson.MEALS MINISTRY provides meals for parishioners who, because of illness or other difficult situations, need this temporary help. When informed by a priest of the parishioners’ need, the ministry leader contacts the recipients to learn their food preferences and to plan delivery. A Sign-up Genius containing this information is then emailed to the congregation so that people can volunteer to prepare and deliver the requested meals. The leader’s responsibility here is to organize the food train and then allow ministry members to make (or purchase) and deliver the meals requested. A leader is currently needed for this ministry. Please check the box if you would like to be on the list of people able to contribute a meal and/or to learn more about the leader’s role.

NOTES AND CARDS MINISTRY sends caring greetings to parishioners on birthdays, wedding anniversaries, in times of sickness or need. Volunteers are often needed to select and address cards and write a message. Leader is Marilyn Prime.

PRAYER SHAW MINISTRY members knit or crochet prayer shawls for parishioners and others who are ill, injured, or bereaved. We also make baby blankets for newly baptized infants and children. Instruction is provided for knitting these simple but special shawls and blankets. Members can purchase their own yarn or choose yarn from a ministry stash. This year we are considering restarting in-person knitting get-togethers. Please check the box if you might like to be involved with this ministry. Leader is Barb Eldred.

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY provides rides to parishioners who are in an emergency situation. We do not, at present, have enough drivers to offer transportation to scheduled appointments or regular church services. However, we hope to build a list of parishioners willing occasionally to provide these more frequently needed rides. If you volunteer to be included on this second list, parishioners in need will know that they can contact you directly to ask about the possibility of a ride on a particular date. It can be hard to live without transportation. Your occasional help would be a blessing. Leader is Joan Bennett.


CHILDRENS MINISTRY provides worship and education on Sunday mornings for children in kindergarten through 6th grade. We use an age-appropriate version of the Episcopal liturgy—Greeting, Opening Prayer, Liturgy of the Word—with children’s responses in the form of art/game/service projects/prayer, “feast” and fellowship. Sunday School opens in the undercroft at 10:00 for fellowship; the lesson/worship begins at 10:15. Children rejoin their parents upstairs at about 11:10 to participate in the Eucharist. At present about 10 children are enrolled. More teachers and classroom helpers are needed so that each adult can work just two weeks a month. Experienced teachers will provide training and support. Volunteers are also needed for special occasions like VBS, pageants, etc. To help, all you need is a love of children. Check the box to ask about regular or occasional volunteering. Leader is Belinda Young-Payne.

NURSERY provides care during the 10:30 Sunday morning service and some special services for children from birth to 4 years old. At present, we have one, and sometimes two, children attending. To care for children in the nursery, you can play with them or supervise their play, read them a story, change a diaper or take to potty if needed. It would be really helpful to have one more volunteer at this time. You can volunteer for a schedule that works for you. All you need is a love for babies and toddlers. Leader is Belinda Young-Payne.

YOUTH CONFIRMATION MINISTRY members help our eighth-grade youth learn about and proclaim their baptismal faith and prepare to be confirmed by the bishop at his annual visitation. Candidates for confirmation also learn to serve the church as acolytes and in other ways. This year, we don’t have any eighth graders. For future classes, we hope for guest speakers to share their spiritual journey with our confirmands. Occasional snacks provided by volunteers will also be appreciated. Leaders are Teri Quinn-Gray, Bob Rys, and Lisa Swain.

YOUTH MINISTRY “CREW” (Christians Ready, Equipped and Willing) is a youth group open to parish youth and their friends in grades 7 through 12. CREW helps our young people develop a deeper relationship with God and one another through fellowship, discussions, service, retreats, prayer, social gatherings, and more. Volunteers may prepare food, chaperone, provide transportation, etc.—no special skills needed, just a love of young people and commitment to their growth in the faith. Leader is Belinda Young-Payne.

ADULT EDUCATION CLASS at 9:15 on Sunday mornings hosts discussions of special topics, in person and on Zoom. Parishioners interested in suggesting topics and/or leading sessions on a topic that interests them are welcomed. Leaders are Rue Manning and Larry Duggan.

LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY meets in person in the Great Hall classroom on Wednesdays at 10:30 to reflect on the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday services. Leader is Carol Palermo.

NOVEL THEOLOGY meets in person in the classroom, with a Zoom option, at 9:10 am on the third Sunday of each month, September – May, to discuss a work of fiction that is one of nine selected in the May meeting. The books selected usually deal with family life, past and/or current situations in the news including wars, and figures who positively affect other community members. The books are not always religious in nature, but often have related ties. Hope you will join us! Leader is Susan Hechter.

TWO SAINTS READERS are interested readers from St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas who meet on Zoom during the week to discuss books. The 2 Saints Book Discussion Group will next be reading, How to Know a Person by David Brooks. Our discussion dates are Mar. 6 (10 AM), Mar. 20 (10 AM) and April 3 (10 AM). The book is divided into 3 parts, each about 70 pages, so we will do 1 part at each discussion. Since we do these discussions by Zoom, if you are at St. Nicholas, please let Cana Hartman (cana.hartman@gmail.com) know and she will send you the Zoom link. The link will go out to all in the St. Thomas Google Group as well. Leader is Madeline Johnson.


HOSPITALITY MINISTRY is for one-time events such as wedding and funeral receptions. Members set tables in the Great Hall, prepare and set out coffee/tea/juice/water along with food items donated by parishioners, and clean up afterwards. Training is provided; volunteer to serve as frequently as you like and are able. Leaders are Sally Price and Madeline Johnson.

EVENTS MINISTRY –a new undertaking that began in 2023—helps parishioners who have an idea for a special parish event to plan and carry out the event by putting together smaller commission groups to bring these events to life. Examples are a movie night in the Grove, Blessing of the (live) animals on St. Francis’s Day, Live Nativity, Pentecost Picnic, and St. Thomas’s Day dinner. Volunteers can contribute ideas for events and/or serve on commission groups. Leaders are Kristin Sausville and Cana Hartman.


THE ANNUAL BAZAAR, open to the public, is traditionally held over a weekend in November, beginning on Friday morning and continuing through Sunday noon. It features unique crafts, quarts of homemade soups, a cookie walk selection, and sometimes white elephant goods, items donated by parishioners. It is also attended by about eight partnering vendors. Last year, we added an accompanying Pie Sale Fundraiser. All proceeds go to outreach ministries. Volunteers are needed to liaise with external vendors and to receive donations from parishioners, set up the display in the Great Hall, collect payments at the sale, and pack up everything after the event. No special skills are needed; leaders match volunteers with jobs they enjoy and provide any instructions needed. The committee meets monthly between March and November and is always looking for new members and ideas. Leaders are Philippa Sunnergren and Connie Malin.THE ANNUAL HEALTH AND COMMUNITY FAIR is held the Saturday after Labor Day. It is an outreach event for both parish members and our wider community in Newark. It features local organizations offering health and wellness education, community information, school supply giveaways, free Narcan training (with supplies provided) and Flu shots from a local pharmacy. This event has been growing over the last two years, and volunteers are needed to contact local organizations, help with set up and clean up, and be on hand to great visitors at the event. There are no regular meetings outside of this event, so the time commitment is small and flexible; but volunteers are much needed to help this event grow. Leader is Philippa Sunnergren.

EPISCOPAL CAMPUS MINISTRY seeks to serve students at UD and other area colleges. Our Diocese is currently exploring possibilities for an ecumenical college ministry. If you would like to be contacted about working with campus ministry once a new diocesan plan is ready, please check this ministry box. Leaders are Fr. Howie and Kristin Sausville.

BLUE HEN BOUNTY is our food pantry, located in the Great Hall, open to students at the University of Delaware and other area colleges who are experiencing food insecurity. Volunteers inventory, solicit, sort, and shelve food items contributed by parishioners. Leader is Teresa Coons.

THE NEWARK EMPOWERMENT CENTER serves lunch to homeless guests from 1:15-2:15 every weekday. The food is donated by area restaurants but served by volunteers. Would you like to be one of them? Check this box and a leader will contact you. Leader is Madeline Johnson.

GO BAGS are made by area churches all year and take them to the Empowerment Center. These are shelf-stable meals in gallon Ziplock bags (entrée, fruit cup, crackers, cookies, spoon wrapped in a napkin, and a drink) given to homeless guests to have for dinner as they leave the Empowerment Center after lunch. St. Thomas’s is famous for being a good source of “Go Bags.” Leader is Madeline Johnson.

HOPE DINING ROOM serves a free lunch every weekday at noon at the Kingswood Methodist Church in Brookside. Many churches in Newark volunteer to participate in this work regularly. A combined team from St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas serves on the third Monday of every month. A Signup Genius comes out every second Monday to round up a kitchen team and the food items needed for the meal. It’s lots of fun to be part of a team that does such an appreciated service. If you are called to this ministry, watch your email for the Signup Genius or contact the leader by checking this box. Leader is Madeline Johnson.

NAWC MINISTRY delivers nonperishable food from the donation basket in the Great Hall to the Newark Area Welfare Committee Food Closet located in the Newark United Methodist Church on Main St. Recipients are people in an emergency situation where normally supplied governmental food aid is not sufficient to feed their family. Please keep that basket full! Leaders are Marge and Jack O’Donnell.

CODE ORANGE provides heat relief for people unhoused in Newark every day, assuming they can visit a faith community on Sundays. We will provide cold water, a place to sit, and an opportunity to use the bathroom. Light snacks would also be wonderful to offer and Friendship House can offer go-bags if we are not able to provide snacks. Leaders are Madeline Johnson and Amy Keach.

CODE PURPLE is called when overnight winter weather becomes unsafe for homeless people to stay outside. Working in shifts, volunteers set up and serve dinner (4-8 pm), sit with guests (8-midnight), accompany a professional from Friendship House sitting with guests (midnight to 6 am), warm up breakfast and put it out at 5:30 (guests leave at 6:00am), clean up after guests have left (until 8-9am). Volunteers are also needed to provide food items and wash blankets. We would love to have a couple more volunteer co-leaders of this important ministry. Leaders are Madeline Johnson and Amy Keach.

NEW UNDERGROUND RAILROAD INITIATIVE (NURI), begun in 2024, aims to create a model program that churches can use to help overcome America’s racial wealth gap. NURI will develop short-term entrepreneurial apprenticeships for disadvantaged young people in two areas of parish service: (1) live stream film/photography and (2) food/culinary service. The internships will prepare the students not for minimum-wage employment but for success as small business owners able to provide secure futures for their families. If you would like to help with this new ministry, click this box or speak with Fr. Clay. Leader is Fr. Clay Brown.


COUNTERS OF THE OFFERING meet in pairs after the 10:30 service to process check and cash donations and prepare them for reporting and deposit. Other meeting times can be arranged if Sunday morning isn’t convenient for a particular team. No professional experience is needed, just careful attention to details. The task requires 60-90 minutes. Training is provided for new teams. Currently, we have four teams, so each team counts once a month. We are hoping that more teams can join us so that we can go back to counting once every two months as we did pre-COVID. Additional counting teams would be especially welcome at this time! Leader is Teresa Coons.

FINANCE MINISTRY prepares the financial documents for the parish. Volunteers with professional experience in finance are welcome, but you don’t have to be a professional to do valuable work here. If you pay your bills at home, you can offer perspective to the Finance ministry. Leader is Amy Keach.

PROPERTY MINISTRY sees to the maintenance of our church building and grounds. Volunteers help with repairs ranging from replacing the roof to changing light bulbs; members also mow the lawn and tidy up the parish cemetery. Parishioners skilled in carpentry and simple repairs, as well as folks who can mow the grass about once a month, can be very helpful. Leader is Amy Keach.

STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY’S ANNUAL CAMPAIGN helps parishioners live into Jesus’s teaching that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. We encourage parishioners to contribute funds needed to uphold the staff, programs, and property that enable us to carry out our mission and ministry. Help from volunteers with ideas about how and when to do this outreach to fellow parishioners would be very much appreciated. Leader is Joy Lynam.

VESTRY MEMBERS are elected at the annual meeting for a three-year term. The Vestry’s responsibilities are to help define, articulate, and support the mission of the congregation; to ensure effective organization and planning for the present, the short-term, and the long-term future of the parish; to select the rector; and to manage resources and finances. Vestry is the legal representative of the parish in matters pertaining to our corporate property. Three new vestry members are needed each year. Vestry members do not represent specific constituencies but act for the good of the whole parish. If you are open to considering service on the Vestry, we would appreciate the chance to talk with you. Leader is the Rector, Fr. Howie. Wardens are Kristin Sausville and Philippa Sunnergren.