Hope Dining Room is going very well on the 3rd Monday of every month. Our third lunch was served on October 19, 2020. We prepared 50 lunches (Substantial Nachos – with taco-seasoned ground beef, kidney beans and cheese sauce served over taco chips, with a side of salsa.) Included in the lunch was a beautiful fresh salad (greens from St. Nicholas’s Community garden as well as fresh and colorful peppers and grated carrots). We served 38 meals and took 12 leftover meals to the Empowerment Center.
Hope Dining Room is going to give Christmas Bags to all guests who come in for lunch on December 18, 2020. Homemade cookies and hotel-sized toiletries are still needed for those bags. If you would like to contribute to that effort, you may put the items in the “Hope Dining Room” box, outside the office at St. Thomas’s. Please let me know if you can make cookies and I will deliver them to the “packers”.
St. Nicholas is doing a Mitten Tree in January, so as the time draws closer, I will put another box outside the office at St. Thomas’s for mittens.
Madeline Johnson