Christian Education for Winter / Spring 2020

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The Christian life is a source of endless fascination. Just when we think we have seen and heard everything it has to offer, something new turns up. Committing to a life of learning and growing in the faith is an excellent way to make sure there is always enough fuel in the spiritual tank.

Ask, Seek, Knock from Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

All events are open to the public and are held at St. Thomas’s Parish, 276 S. College Ave., Newark Delaware 19711. See our web site at for more information and updates. Questions? Call the Parish Office at (302) 369-4644,

Lecture Series

An Absurdly Short History of Christianity
Six-Week Series on February 16 and 23 & March 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Who invented church? How did we go from a few fishermen to billions of faithful people? And, what relevance can the church have in a time when belief seems to have become a dirty word? In six sessions, we will follow the development of the Christian Movement from the time of the Apostles to the Electronic Age.

Along the way, there will be a few heretics and councils, but we will also talk about how our past shapes us and what we believe. Come along for new insights on familiar stories and maybe some new information too.

Guest Lecturer at noon

Prayer Beads: Touching Holiness on February 9, 2020

Most of us know about rosaries and how they are used in prayer, but there are many practices (in many faiths!) that incorporate beads as a way to connect the spiritual with the physical. This session will suggest a few prayer techniques you might try, but will also be hands-on. Beads and stringing materials will be provided and a knowledgeable beader will be on hand to guide us in making our own aids to prayer.

Faith and Fear: A Primer on Sentencing Reform on March, 29, 2020

Mandatory minimum sentences, “three strikes” laws, and the war on drugs. These and other social forces have combined to fill our prisons beyond their intended capacities. These are places that most faithful people rarely see of even think about. And yet our faith calls us to a special concern for prisoners. This session will give us an update on current conditions and future possibilities.