175th Annual Meeting

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The Wardens and Vestry of St. Thomas’s Parish have set aside the second Sunday in Lent, March 12, 2017 for the 175th Annual Meeting of St. Thomas’s Parish. This important gathering gives opportunity to gather as a community of faith, to hear reports of our ministry activities over the year past and plans for the year ahead, and to elect four [4] people to three year terms as servant leaders of our parish. We will also be affirming/electing delegates to represent St. Thomas’s at the Special Convention for the election of the 11th Bishop of Delaware scheduled for July 15, 2017. The current delegates to the Diocesan Convention are willing to serve – Jordan Kinsey and Marilyn Prime, Mariah Payne as our under 30 year old delegate, and Devon Miller Duggan as alternate. Nominations will also be included from the parish if you feel called to serve in this important event of our common life. Nomination forms and the requirements of being a Vestry candidate are now on the nametag table. For the Annual Meeting we will gather at 12:00 p.m. in the Great Hall, beginning with time of fellowship and a light lunch with refreshments. The meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. We are offering activities for our children so that parents may participate fully in the life and ministry of our parish. More information will be forthcoming in February and March, and weekly in the Carpenter‘s Helper. We will again offer the Annual Report electronically at least one week before the Annual Meeting.