Praying Shapes Believing series

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Fr. Howie is writing a series of “Praying Shapes Believing” articles that appear in our weekly Sunday worship bulletins. Whether it is your first time, or your thousandth, reading, reciting, and praying the traditional Rite II worship from the Book of Common Prayer, it is worthwhile to ask why. We will examine some of our prayers and collects to help us find more meaning and connection in the ritual.

Here is an outline of worship items shared so far:

The Collect for Purity
The Song of Praise
The Collect of the Day
The Lectionary
The Psalter
The Sermon
The Nicene Creed
The Prayers of the People
The Confession
The Peace
The Offertory
The Canon of the Mass
The Lord’s Prayer
The Fraction
Post-Communion Prayer