Praying Shapes Believing: Blessing

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Fr. Howie is writing a series of “Praying Shapes Believing” articles that appear in our weekly Sunday worship bulletins. Whether it is your first time, or your thousandth, reading, reciting, and praying the traditional Rite II worship from the Book of Common Prayer, it is worthwhile to ask why. We will examine some of our prayers and collects to help us find more meaning and connection in the ritual. See all topics in the Praying Shapes Believing series.


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you always. Amen.

What is it?

As the liturgy ends, the priest (or the Bishop when present) pronounces God’s blessing over the congregation.    

Why do we do it?

As the people leave worship, they are made aware that God’s blessing goes with them. This is always the case, but taking this message with them especially as they return to the cares and duties of the world reinforces the awareness of God’s presence in every moment of our lives.

What it says about God

God goes with us into every sorrow and joy.

God’s blessing is given freely to all, even to those who can’t or won’t ask for it.

Messages for how we live

Blessing may not prevent trouble, but it can transform how we perceive it.

Awareness of our blessedness is the beginning of a holy life.

For more – Read Matthew 5:3-12.  Which categories have you been in?  Did they feel “blessed?”