Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for February 28, 2021

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Happy Friday!  See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for February 28, 2021. In it you will find a reminder to SAVE THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING on Sunday, March 21, 2021 via Zoom at 11 a.m., and info about Fr. Bill’s Lenten Adult Education offering.   There is a message from Bishop Kevin regarding in-person worship. “Eye Spy” shows one of our favorite sites: crocus popping up in the Grove through the snow. Do you have a favorite vignette you’d like to see and learn more about?

  • Saturday, February 27, 2021: Bruce Finnie funeral: noon-1 p.m. visitation, 1 p.m. service via YouTube and in-person with sign-up
  • Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 9 a.m.: Holy Eucharist, rite II with music, live on YouTube
  • Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 10-11 a.m.: Communion at the Curb, in-person with a mask please
  • Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 5 p.m.: Lenten evening prayer, live on YouTube
  • Wednesday at noon: Intercessory Prayers with Holy Eucharist, live on YouTube
  • Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 11 a.m.: Lenten Adult Education study of Jon Mechams, “The Hope of Glory”, considering the last words of Jesus on the cross, lead by Fr Bill.  email the office for a Zoom invitation.
  • Thursday at 7 p.m.: Evening Compline Prayers with Deacon Cecily, live via Zoom with leaflet
  • Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 9 a.m.: Holy Eucharist, rite II with music, live on YouTube
  • Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 10-11 a.m.: Communion at the Curb, in-person with a mask please
  • Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 1-6 p.m.: community blood drive, by appointment

You will receive an emailed invitation to all the above events except Fr. Bill’s Lenten Adult Education study (you have to email a request for that one) and their accompanying leaflets.  As always, there are copies available to be mailed, so please let me know if you’d like a paper copy. 

The new Forward Day by Days are available.  Please feel free to stop into the lobby for a copy, or let me know if you’d like one mailed out to you!  There are plenty in both large and small print.

If you have anything to add to the Parish calendar or the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter, please email the office at

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator or (302) 368-4644