Blue Hen Bounty receives large donation from KPMG

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Fr. Howie unloading boxesIt is a blessing that St. Thomas’s Blue Hen Bounty (BHB) has been able to continue to serve students in need during these unprecedented times. Our community’s generosity has kept our cabinets stocked full of non-perishable food, as well as cleaning and sanitary products. It seems just as you can start to see the back of a cabinet, another gift comes in.

Well, this week we received a LARGE gift — 1,900 lbs. to be exact! Fr. Howie definitely got his workout Thursday morning, unloading the giant pallet of boxed groceries. Each box includes the same combination of high protein, calorie sustaining foods that can be combined and stretched in many ways.

KPMG label The donation comes from KPMG, an international accounting cooperative, and one of the big 4 in the world. “We remain deeply committed to serving and supporting our communities during this challenge our world is facing,” said KPMG U.S. chairman and CEO Lynne Dough tie in a statement. “I’m also proud of our many partners and professionals across the country who are stepping up to help their local communities at this time in so many different ways.”

Many students have needed the support of our pantry during this crisis, but there is one group that Fr. Howie was reflecting on as he unloaded all those boxes. There are a group of students who are here on student visas. According to the rules governing their visas, they are not permitted to work. However, because of travel restrictions caused by the global pandemic, as well as contributing monetary factors, these young adults are unable to return home. So, they remain here, stuck, with no legal means of supporting themselves.These food supplies are a lifeline to help them keep going and can hopefully give some comfort.

Please keep these young adults in your prayers, as well as those volunteers who keep our pantry going every week. And, let us also thank God for the generosity of those who continue to keep our bounty filled, and for the opportunity to make a positive difference in our community. At St. Thomas’s, you can see God’s LOVE in ACTION in so many ways!

Thank you for your continued gifts

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In this unsettling time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling financially. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving

While Delaware remains under a formal State of Emergency declaration and services are broadcast on YouTube, please consider continuing your giving to St. Thomas’s.  See our Giving page.  Contributions can also be mailed to the church at 276 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE  19711.  The mail is collected daily so checks do not remain in the mailbox for long.

With a grateful heart,
Finance Committee

Children’s Ministries at home for July 5, 2020

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Happy Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – July 5, 2020!  I pray this note finds you and your family well and safe. 

This week, we will explore the promise that when we surrender to God’s righteousness we find a place of rest for our souls. In the gospel, Jesus offers rest to all who long for relief from their burdens. We are encouraged by the promise that God is walking beside us each step of the way. 

Here are a kid-friendly version of this week’s gospel, several hands-on activities that correspond to this week’s gospel, and a reflection activity that might be appropriate for the contemplative among us.  Please use what works for you and your family. There is something for everyone.   

For the next five weeks, I will also host a weekly Zoom gathering each Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to noon (note the new time).  This gathering will be a time for us to share fellowship, prayer and fun.  If you have a suggestion for a game, a special prayer, or want to read the scripture for the day, you are always welcome to do so.  The new link to the Zoom gathering can be obtained by emailing me at (It is the same link I sent last week, with Meeting ID ending in 3152.)  I hope to see as many of you there as possible.  Please make sure that your name is displayed when you log in so I will know it is safe to let you in.

Peace be with you,
Ms. Belinda, Children’s Ministries

O God, you have taught us to keep all your commandments by loving you and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to you with our whole heart, and united to one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Property Clean-up Invite

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St. Thomas’s Property Ministry is inviting you to participate in a “virtual” Clean-up party instead of a group gathering.  We have posted activities where we could use some help. We are hoping for individuals or families to volunteer to work a few hours outside in the fresh air? Take some photos and share them through e-mail or Facebook. 

This work would be done at your convenience. Wear masks if around those outside your family, bring your tools, pick one (or more…) of the listed jobs, and have fun working outside.  

If you need more details, Contact Sue Houghton.

If you would like to help, but do not want to use Sign-up Genius, please contact me directly.

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for July 5, 2020

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Happy Friday faith family!  Have you seen the display in the grove?  It’s Christmas in July! On July 1-13, 2020, the City of Newark Parks and Recreation is having a  Decorating Tour  and St. Nicholas is participating.  It has already sparked some buzz around town.  Will you help me spread the Good News?  If you visit the display, please take a picture, and post it to whatever social media you use.  Please tag #StThomasNewarkDE and #NewarkFoF and #WeAreParksAndRec

See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of July 5, 2020. It’s been a hot, slow week without much new news, but see some photos of our Grove display.  And, please be reminded that there is plenty of time to still sign up to participate in the Great EpisGOpal Race.  Please contact the office to join in the low-pressure FUN that will happen at the end of the month.

Also, see the most recent edition of our Diocese weekly newsletter titled The Net, as well as the quarterly magazine, the Communion. Please see the new racial justice webpage published, learn a Fun Fact, be able to light a virtual candle for prayer, and read about the faith journey of a young Episcopal priest.  Additionally, there is an update on Regathering Document-V2.

Worship this week: please let me know if you’d like a paper copy of any leaflet mailed to you.

Please let me know if you have ANY feedback, questions, or suggestions regarding our online worship.  Let’s work together to make this “now normal” as great as we can imagine!  Your input could make a big difference.

One more small note.  Being around the church building where many groups used to meet regularly, I have been asked when meetings may resume.  At this time, I do not have a specific answer.  But, I want to share that if anyone is looking for a meeting for friends of Bill, there are many online opportunities.  When I googled a search for meetings, I was happy to see that there are avenues through Zoom, Facebook, and several other virtual spaces beginning every 15 minutes.  I am happy to assist if you need help connecting.

Please let me know if you have any meetings (virtual or otherwise) that you would like to have included on the Parish calendar.   

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Worship service for July 5, 2020

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Sunday, July 5, 2020 is the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. We will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m.

On Sunday, connect to our worship service at St. Thomas’s YouTube channel. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service leaflet  that accompanies the service. 

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday!   

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Feeding the Homeless on Thursday, June 30, 2020

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Dear families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Last Thursday, June 25, 2020, with your help, we served 40 homeless friends: 47 showed up, so 7 people were given “Go Bags”. The Hope Dining Room is still scheduled to open July 13, 2020, so the end of this ministry is in sight.

The plan for this week is substantial nachos (with meat, cheese and salsa), and tossed salad, complimented with a fruit cup, cookies and a soda.   Below is the sign up genius.  As always, only look at the black and gold part.

If you would bring your items to St. Thomas’s on Thursday between 2 and 4 p.m., that would be great.  IF that doesn’t work for you, call me and I will pick it up at your door.

MANY Blessings for your care for our homeless friends,
Madeline Johnson

Your invitation to the last of the St. John Bible series

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TONIGHT, June 30, 2020, is the last session of the Sensus Divina series with illuminations from the St. John Bible and it’s going out with a bang!  The main participants will all be at St. James’s in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with a real Heritage Volume of the St. John Bible (to be shown on camera) and also live music!!

Regardless of whether you have joined in earlier weeks, this is a good chance to get one last taste of the art of the St. John Bible.  The Zoom link can be used even without registration:  

If you have any questions, please let Fr. Howie or myself know.  This is a fantastic opportunity.  I hope to see you there (virtually).

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Children’s ministries at home for June 28, 2020

posted in: Children's Ministries | 0

Happy Fourth Sunday after Pentecost!  I pray this not finds you and your family well and safe. I hope that your week was as peace-filled as mine, with several moments in time when I was able to stop, experience the blessings of God in my surroundings, my family, my friends, books I was reading, a sandwich I was eating………ok, I’ll stop. But I have had a wonderful first week of summer and I thank God that I get to spend part of it with you (in my hearts, through these messages and in our Zoom gatherings.) 

The week of June 28, 2020, we will explore scripture and activities on the themes of welcome, mission, and discipleship.  In the gospel his week, Jesus reminds us that the response given to his disciples is also a response to him. Likewise, when we serve the littlest, the poorest, the most disenfranchised, the stranger, we serve Jesus.

To this email, I have attached a kid-friendly version of this week’s gospel, several hands-on activities that correspond to this week’s gospel. In keeping with our theme and in an attempt to link the gospel message to what is currently happening in the world around us, I have also attached an extra coloring sheet that reminds us of our mission to work for justice and peace for all people. Please use what works for you and your family. There is something for everyone.   

For the next six weeks, I will also host a weekly Zoom gathering each Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to noon (note the new time).  This gathering will be a time for us to share fellowship, prayer and fun. If you have a suggestion for a game, a special prayer, or want to read the scripture for the day, you are always welcome to do so.  The new link to the Zoom gathering can be obtained by emailing me at It is the same link I sent last week, with Meeting ID ending in 3152.  I hope to see as many of you there as possible.  Please make sure that your name is displayed when you log in so I will know it is safe to let you in.

Peace be with you,

Ms. Belinda, Children’s Ministries

Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.