Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for July 26, 2020

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Hello faith family!  St. Nicholas friends, I know you don’t usually receive the St. Nicholas weekly newsletter, however there is a message to you in this edition!  All past newsletters are available on the News page of our website.

See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of July 26, 2020. In it, you will get a reminder about the Great EpisGOpal Race, and there is a lovely message from Madeline regarding feeding the less fortunate in our community. Also, see the most recent edition of our Diocese weekly newsletter titled The Net, as well as the quarterly magazine, the Communion

This week, we will have two services, as well as children’s ministries.  ALL are Welcome; contact the office for Zoom invitations. Please let me know if you would like a paper copy of any leaflet mailed to you.  Note, there will be no Wednesday service this week, but it will resume on August 5, 2020.  Past Intercessory Prayer services are available on our YouTube channel.

  • Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 9 a.m. – Worship Service, Rite II with music LIVE from St. Thomas’s on YouTube.
  • Sunday at 11 a.m. – children’s worship via Zoom.
  • Wednesday noon – intercessory prayer LIVE on YouTube a leaflet for Pentecost. Cancelled for July 29.
  • Thursday at 7 p.m. – Compline evening prayers with Deacon Cecily.  ALL are Welcome.  Let me know if you need a Zoom link for this calming and prayerful end to the day.
  • Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 9 a.m. – Worship Service, Rite II with music LIVE from St. Nicholas on YouTube.
  • Sunday at 11 a.m. – children’s worship via Zoom.

Please let me know if you have ANY feedback, questions, or suggestions regarding our online worship. Let’s work together to make this “now normal” as great as we can imagine! Your input could make a big difference.

The July Fun fellowship project: Passing the Peace with Postcards, has been launched!  By now, you should have received your envelopes with postcards to pray over and pass along.  And, you may have even started to recieve your own messages of positivity back!  PLEASE, let me know if you have not received any postcards, or if you would like a few more.  I’ll be more than happy to send some more out.

Participate in The Great EpisGOpal Race.  Sign up using the sign-up genius.  In case you haven’t heard me shouting this from the roof, The United Thank Offering is running a virtual marathon from July 24th to August 1st and have called it “The Great EpisGOpal Race”.   It is a relaxed, low-pressure effort that can be done at your own pace, over several days.  You choose the distance you will travel, as well as your modality: walk slow, run fast, swim, bike, roller skate, etc.⁠ We will join together as a team: The Soul Surrenderers, to race for OUR lives and the lives of those affected by COVID-19. ⁠Email the office at or use the sign-up genius to join in the FUN!⁠  Everyone signing up for The Soul Surrenderers will receive a team water bottle, so please let me know the number of people participating from your household.  I’m asking for a suggested donation of $5 per km. Feel free to solicit additional donations from family and neighbors. 100% of the money raised will go to the 2020 UTO Ingathering in support of Episcopal ministries responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.⁠

This is a FUN opportunity for our faith family to join together in a safe and socially distanced way to make a positive difference.   Everything is by the honor system.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Please let me know if you have any meetings – virtual or otherwise – that you would like to have included on the Parish calendar.   

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Passing the Peace with Postcards!

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It’s important to recognize the cumulative impact of weekly passing of the peace. By regularly practicing this gesture, our hearts are shaped in the form of the words. Consider the daily practice of teaching toddlers to say “please” and “thank you.” Though at the beginning the toddler mechanically repeats the words, eventually her heart fills the words with grace and gratitude. In the same way, passing the peace gives us the vocabulary for expressing peace as we grow in faith and, in fact, shapes our hearts and minds to extend that peace out into the world.

This week, look for a packet to be delivered to your home. In it is an an opportunity to pass the peace around our faith family. In the envelope, you will find two postcards: each is stamped and addressed to another household in the parishes of St. Thomas’s or St. Nicholas. We ask that you take a moment to reflect on these faith family members and say a prayer. Then, write in an encouraging message and drop in the mail. You may not know these members directly, but knowing the faith that we have in common, there is a message of hope to share. Within a few days, you can look forward to receiving similar messages, and know that there are others in our family that are thinking of you and praying for you.

Thank you for your participation in this FUN fellowship project. Please note that this was made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor.

Hope Dining Room Opportunity

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The Hope Dining Room, located in the basement of the Kingswood United Methodist Church, Brookside Park, provides a noontime meal for all who are hungry. We would like to pull together a combined team of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas parishioners to help feed those in our community who need help. They have an opening for a church group to take the third Monday of every month. We would plan to break the duty into bite-size pieces and there is a large table in the middle of the kitchen, where people with limited-mobility could sit and chop veggies or otherwise contribute to the making of the meal.

A sample schedule looks like this:
Prep the meal- 9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Serving- 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Dishwasher- 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

During the pandemic, all serving is done as a “grab and go” lunch, outside. Masks are worn and social distancing is practiced. These practices are also in effect in the kitchen, which can comfortably have six people in it at a time.

You could donate to the cause by dropping a check at either church, with “Hope Dining Room” on the memo line. You could be a one-time volunteer, or sign up by the month, if the day we work is convenient for you (3rd Monday). If you would like to be on the volunteer list, please drop me an email or call me.

MANY Blessings,
Madeline Johnson

Children’s Ministries at home for July 19, 2020

posted in: Children's Ministries | 0

Happy Saturday, July 19, 2020, before The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost!  

I pray this note finds you and your family well and safe. And, I pray that my efforts to provide these weekly resources each week have been helpful to you in some small way.  

This week, we are invited to cultivate an awareness of both weeds and wheat, recognizing and accepting ourselves and others with compassion. In the gospel, Jesus teaches that the weeds and the wheat live side-by-side until the harvest. I take this as a reminder that we have to accept the bad with the good, while having faith that God’s love will win out in the end.

I have provided a few kid-friendly versions of this week’s gospel, several hands-on activities on the themes of compassion, acceptance and mercy. Please use what works for you and your family. There is something for everyone from preschooler to tween to teen to adult.   

For the next three Sundays, I will also host a weekly Zoom gathering each Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to noon.  This gathering will be a time for us to share fellowship, prayer and fun.  If you have a suggestion for a game, a special prayer, or want to read the scripture for the day, you are always welcome to do so.  The new link to the Zoom gathering can be obtained by emailing me at It is the same link I sent last week, with Meeting ID ending in 3152.  I hope to see as many of you there as possible.  Please make sure that your name is displayed when you log in so I will know it is safe to let you in.

Ms. Belinda, Children’s Ministries

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for July 19, 2020

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Hello faith family!  See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of July 19, 2020. In it, you get an update on the Hope Dining Room, as well as, information about a very exciting and FUN fellowship activity – Passing the Peace with Postcards.  

Also, see the most recent edition of our Diocese weekly newsletter titled The Net, as well as the quarterly magazine, the Communion.  In their weekly newsletter, The Net, among other things, St. Thomas’s is recognized for our Christmas in July display promoting outreach and community building!

This upcoming week we will have our three regular services.  Please let me know if you would like any of the leaflets mailed to you:

  • Wednesday noon – intercessory prayer LIVE on YouTube a leaflet for Pentecost.
  • Thursday at 7 p.m. – Compline evening prayers with Deacon Cecily.  ALL are Welcome.  Let me know if you need a Zoom link for this calming and prayerful end to the day.
  • Sunday at 9 a.m. – Worship Service, Rite II, with music LIVE on YouTube.
  • Sunday at 11 a.m. – children’s worship via Zoom.
  • Monday, July 20, 2020 at 6 p.m. – Ladies’ Night IN, LIVE on Zoom. Email Cana for an invite. ALL Ladies are Welcome!

Please let me know if you have ANY feedback, questions, or suggestions regarding our online worship. Let’s work together to make this “now normal” as great as we can imagine! Your input could make a big difference.

The official start of the Great EpisGOpal Race is fast approaching on July 24, 2020!  If you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?  This is a fun, and relaxing virtual marathon, to be done over several days, in any mode(s) you choose.  Here is a link to the Sign-Up Genius, or just contact the office!  There will be more details in next week’s Helper.

Please let me know if you have any meetings – virtual or otherwise – that you would like to have included on the Parish calendar.   

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Worship service for July 19, 2020

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Sunday, July 19, 2020 is the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. We will be streaming LIVE from St. Thomas’s at 9 a.m. On Sunday, connect to our worship service at St. Thomas’s YouTube channel. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service leaflet  that accompanies the service. There are paper copies available to be mailed. If you would like one, please let me know.

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday!

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Feeding the Homeless on Thursday, July 16, 2020

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Dear families of St. Thomas’s and St. Nicholas,

Last Thursday, with your help, we fed 40 homeless friends – still at the Red Roof Inn. 50 people showed up! 7 were given “Go Bags” and 3 were given apologies.

Tomorrow (Monday, July 13, 2020) the Hope Dining Room re-opens, so Thursday, July 16, 2020 will be our LAST week to serve. The plan for this week is chicken-noodle casserole, green beans and a roll or muffin, complimented with a fruit cup,cookies and a soda.   Here is the sign up genius.   Only look at the yellow and black part.

If you would bring your items to St. Thomas’s between 2 and 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2020, that would be wonderful. If that doesn’t fit into your schedule, call me and I will pick it up at your door.

MANY BLESSINGS for your care for our homeless friends,
Madeline Johnson

Children’s Ministries at home for July 12, 2020

posted in: Children's Ministries | 0

It’s the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost!  I pray this note finds you and your family well and safe. 

This week, we are invited to become the rich soil in which the word of God becomes abundant harvest. In the gospel, Jesus describes his ministry through the parable of the seeds and their various responses. 

This week, a few kid-friendly versions of this week’s gospel, several hands-on activities on the theme of God’s kingdom and the abundant harvest it represents, and a reflection activity that might be appropriate for the more contemplative among us is provided.  Please use what works for you and your family. There is something for everyone from preschooler to tween to teen to adult.  One of the suggested music videos brings back wonderful memories of walking down the aisle to my groom 27 years ago.  See if you can guess which one!

For the next four Sundays, I will also host a weekly Zoom gathering each Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to noon.  This gathering will be a time for us to share fellowship, prayer and fun. If you have done any planting, gardening or harvesting in the past few weeks, bring us a sample, a picture or a story to share.  If you have a suggestion for a game, a special prayer, or want to read the scripture for the day, you are always welcome to do so.  The new link to the Zoom gathering can be obtained by emailing me at (It is the same link I sent last week, with Meeting ID ending in 3152.)  I hope to see as many of you there as possible.  Please make sure that your name is displayed when you log in so I will know it is safe to let you in.

Peace be with you,
Ms. Belinda, Children’s Ministries

O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for July 12, 2020

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Hello friends!  See the Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for the week of July 5, 2020. In it you will read about another HUGE gift that has come into St. Thomas’s Blue Hen Bounty (BHB).  Also, see the most recent edition of our Diocese weekly newsletter titled The Net, as well as the quarterly magazine, the Communion.  In their weekly newsletter, The Net, among other things, you will notice a familiar face – our own Teri Quinn Gray has joined their communications team as a consultant!  Congratulations Teri – you are a blessing!

This upcoming week we will have our three regular services.  Please let me know if you would like any of the leaflets mailed to you:

Please let me know if you have ANY feedback, questions, or suggestions regarding our online worship. Let’s work together to make this “now normal” as great as we can imagine! Your input could make a big difference.

Ladies: I need your input.  Next Saturday should be our next Ladies’ Night.  Should we do it via Zoom or in person?  I’m thinking either a group movie night; maybe Hamilton?  If it’s in person, I’ll get a projector and we can watch it on the wall from the shade of the Grove.  If we do it over Zoom, we can each watch it on TV, and there might be a fun care package dropped on your door.  Please let me know all your thoughts!!

Please let me know if you have any meetings (virtual or otherwise) that you would like to have included on the Parish calendar.   

To see all events or news, visit our website, check FaceBook, or check out the posted events on the board next to the name tag station. Recent Newsletters, Sermons, or Announcements are also available.

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator

Worship service for July 12, 2020

posted in: Worship | 0

Sunday, July 5, 2020 is the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost.  Let me know if you need a paper copy mailed to you.  We will be streaming LIVE from St. Nicholas at 9 a.m. 

On Sunday, connect to our worship service at St. Thomas’s YouTube channel. Please subscribe and ring the notification bell (twice) so you never miss a service. Here is the service leaflet  that accompanies the service. 

In this strange time, the church is aware that some of its members are struggling to make ends meet. If you are in this situation, please let the clergy know of your needs, pray for the church, and feel no guilt about your giving. But if you are able to give, options for giving include mailing a check to your church or online giving. See our Giving page

I look forward to worshiping together on Sunday! 

Kind Regards,
Cana Hartman, Parish Administrator