First Sunday of the month and Rector’s Discretionary Fund

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This coming Sunday, August 5, is the first Sunday of the month, when the loose offering is given to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Cash, or a check to St. Thomas’s, with Discretionary Fund in the memo line, are welcome. Designated checks are always welcome. The Rector’s Discretionary Fund allows St. Thomas’s to provide confidential assistance to our neighbors in need. The money always goes to a landlord, power company, etc., never directly to individuals. Your generosity allows St. Thomas’s to to be a source of light to those who are struggling in a world that is often dark.

St. Thomas’s Mission Statement

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Nourished at Christ’s table and stepping forward in faith, we are instruments of God’s love, serving our parish family, the University of Delaware, our community and God’s creation.

St. Thomas’s Ladies Night Out – Summer Schedule

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This summer we will hold Ladies night on the 13th of each month at 6:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, June 13th:  Taverna Downtown Newark
  • Friday, July 13th: Home Grown – Downtown Newark
  • Monday, August 13th: Iron Hill Brewery – Downtown Newark
  • Thursday, September 13th: Olive Tree Cafe – Chestnut Hill Plaza, Newark

Annual Holiday Bazaar Volunteers needed

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Last year our bazaar raised over $5,000, which was donated to outreach activities to help others in need. It’s time to hold the dates for the St. Thomas’s Annual Holiday Bazaar, which will be held on November 30 and December 1. If you have any wine corks or buttons that you could donate, please leave them in the donation box in the great hall. Want to volunteer to help? We need people now to make crafts — either your own idea or our ideas — and to help with the planning. We are meeting one evening each month to plan. Questions? Contact Barb Graham at 302-598-4143.

Children’s Ministries May 2018 Newsletter

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Here is an update on St. Thomas’s Children’s Ministries.

May 20 was the last day of regular Sunday School until September.

From May 27 to September 2, the St. Thomas’s nursery for children aged birth to 3 years will be open from 10:15 to the end of the 10:30 a.m. service.

Summer Children’s Worship for children 3 years and older will begin on June 10 and run through August 19. Our summer theme this year is “The Fruit of the Spirit,” based on Galatians 5:22-23 (But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control). Each week, we will learn about a different spiritual gift through scripture lessons, stories, hands-on play/art activities, service projects, and/or take home assignments to promote real life applications of the fruit of the Spirit. On most Sundays this summer (when children’s worship leader is available), children are invited to the Undercroft from 10:30-11:10 a.m. The children will rejoin their families at the Peace. On some Sundays (when a children’s worship leader is not available), children will remain with their families and are invited to complete the activity in the Fruit of the Spirit bags found in the basket by the sanctuary door.

St. Thomas’s is not planning to host Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer. But stay tuned to your email for information about VBS in other area churches.

Regular Sunday School will resume on September 9, 2018. If you have questions, need more information, or would like to volunteer to help this summer, please contact Belinda Young-Payne at 302-388-4017 or

The Right Reverend Kevin S. Brown, XI Bishop of Delaware visits St. Thomas’s

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The Right Reverend Kevin S. Brown, XI Bishop of Delaware, visited St. Thomas’s on Trinity Sunday, which is the First Sunday after Pentecost on May 27, 2018.

The Bishop met with the Confirmation Candidates at 9:00 a.m., led a forum beginning at 9:15 a.m. in the Great Hall, and attended a reception following the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.

See pictures and his sermon via video from Facebook

Carpenter’s Helper Newsletter for the week of May 20, 2018

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See St. Thomas’s Carpenter’s Helper newsletter for May 20, 2018. See all newsletters.

Pentecost Parish Picnic takes place this Sunday, May 20 after the 10:30 a.m. service. St. Thomas’s will provide hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs a well as paper products and drinks. There will also be games and activities for all ages.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help set up, clean up and help facilitate games. We also NEED YOU to bring a side dish or dessert to complete our celebration meal. (Donations will also be accepted toward the cost of the entrees and paper products.) Signup sheets to get an estimate of how many people are coming, who can help with setup and/or cleanup, and who is bringing what will be on the Great Hall door beginning on May 6.

One more thing … you are welcome to bring chairs or picnic blankets for your comfort and enjoyment. Thanks in advance for your help in creating another great fellowship opportunity for our St. Thomas’s family, especially during, this, our 175th year!! Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 302-832-8834 with questions or to volunteer to help plan or facilitate the picnic.

Craft Fair Planning Meetings

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It is never too early to be thinking about St. Thomas’s Annual Holiday Bazaar. This year the fair will be held on November 30 and December 1.

If you have any wine corks or buttons that you could donate, we would appreciate receiving them. There will be a donation box in the great hall.

Our first meeting of the year will be on May 24, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. We will gather at Sister Jackie’s house.

Questions or directions: contact Barb Graham at 302-598-4143.

Pentecost Picnic on Sunday, May 20, 2018

posted in: Pentecost | 0

Hello Church Family,

Please join me at our annual Pentecost Parish Picnic! The picnic will take place on May 20 after the 10:30 a.m. service. St. Thomas’s will provide hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs a well as paper products and drinks. There will also be games and activities for all ages.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help set up, clean up and help facilitate games. We also NEED YOU to bring a side dish or dessert to complete our celebration meal. (Donations will also be accepted toward the cost of the entrees and paper products.) Signup sheets to get an estimate of how many people are coming, who can help with setup and/or cleanup, and who is bringing what will be on the Great Hall door beginning on May 6.

One more thing … you are welcome to bring chairs or picnic blankets for your comfort and enjoyment. Thanks in advance for your help in creating another great fellowship opportunity for our St. Thomas’s family, especially during, this, our 175th year!! Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 302-832-8834 with questions or to volunteer to help plan or facilitate the picnic.

Belinda Young-Payne